Proposal for a Pink Urinal System

Day 538, 18:20 Published in Philippines Philippines by Mr. Dimagiba 2.0

This is a proposal for a Pink Urinal System to be part of our public roads and highways.

UNDERSTANDING that males are weaker in controlling their bladders than the opposite sex

DESIRING the public transportation systems to be odorless preventing people from urinating on walls of public buildings

CONVINCED that the national standardization of decency
will allow these MMDA Pink Urinals attached on every corner of the major roads in the Philippines


1) FOUNDS the Pink Urinal Transportation Authority (PUTA)

2) CHARGES the PUTA to enact regulations pertaining to the maintenance of these Pink Urinals by regularly cleaning and repainting these urinals.

3) FURTHER AUTHORIZES the PUTA to orient citizens in every island how to use these urinals properly.

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