[CoS] A Declaration

Day 4,623, 22:13 Published in USA USA by dmjohnston

Mood Music: A question that hasn’t been answered yet

“When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.”

As you’ve likely seen there has been some discussion lately about our relationship with Ireland in the news. Ireland, a former member of our alliance, CODE, has attempted, more than once, to undermine the eUnited States diplomatically. They have attempted to solicit attacks against us and attempted to undo our work to secure our borders via our NAP with Asteria.

When our plan to embargo Ireland became public, members of our own alliance jumped to their defense, demanding proof of our allegations, defending Ireland as a friend of CODE, despite their departure in recent months. In the world of intelligence, it is often difficult to share proof without compromising a vital resource. What we were able to provide led to further argument, moving goalposts, and questions about our own actions amidst the boycott that led to our invasion.

The Ireland debacle is just the latest in a string of malfeasances amongst our allies. We understand the ideas that initiated the pack boycott. However, it was initiated without an alliance-wide agreement. Individual nations decided to boycott and others joined in. This boycott led to the systematic elimination of CODE nations globally, as Asteria swept across the map unabated. Abandoned by our partners to face the war alone, the eUS did what we could to protect ourselves: we opened diplomatic channels and were able to secure a 6-month non-aggression pact with our invaders to allow our populace to survive.

The double standard of making decisions for themselves and then demanding that other nations act in the best interests of the alliance is pervasive in CODE. Countless discussions would lead to an alliance-level plan, but then members would break from it to pursue their own interests. The idea of a family is a great one, but most families are not perfect. CODE is no exception.

Last month, not a single name was offered for the role of Secretary-General. This was the 3rd consecutive month where this was the case, but the difference this time was that our outgoing SG had pulled the trigger on her departure, proposing Romper in-game (which bafflingly, resulted in a passing vote). We were headless and not a single country stepped up. Hell, other than France and Cyprus, they didn’t even show up to the meeting! I personally put forth Yui’s name to be the SG of CODE. Yet, even an experienced and capable SG like Yui cannot repair the cancer that spreads through our alliance.

I am the first to admit that the eUS is not a perfect ally. We have a long history of less-than-stellar decisions with regard to foreign policy. However, when your alliance isn’t willing to stand up for itself, let alone its members, what is there to do? To be clear, there are some great people and great allies within CODE, no doubt. But as a group, we are not living up to the promise of a family. The specifics of today’s discussions merely highlight an undercurrent of mistrust and malcontent.

With all of this in mind, today, Tyler opened a proposal for USA to leave CODE. As an executive, we no longer felt that we are welcome there as a family member and we want to seek our own way, as a neutral party for now.

Dio bless you, and Dio bless the eUnited States of America.