Where to shop in eRepublik: Food & Weapons

Day 4,149, 10:00 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by Mael Dunbar

I've been monitoring the market to see where to by the most common items such as Q1, Q2, Q3 and Q7 food and Q7 weapons (the only ones worth using). All numbers are valid on day 4.149 4.150, 9:30 eRepublik time.

I selected 4 markets: eNetherlands, eRomania, eIran and eRussia.

eNetherlands market is base for the Break-Even calculation: the amount you need to buy in that country to cover the (cheapest) travelling cost from eNL to a region in the other country versus buying the same quantity in eNetherlands. Make sure to check what the cheapest region is, because this can change with wars.

Update day 4.150: the Q3 in eNL is the best local buy, offer from Yotna:
The next best offer is 12 cents more expensive, that is 1 extra bread per 8 you buy!

If you're willing to travel: Romania is (still) the place to be!

Update day 1.450: market has shifted quite big on Q7 weapons since my article yesterday, prices went up considerably. I guess people have stocked up on the lower priced weapons. I will no longer be publishing those.

So before buying, make sure to check the other markets see if a quick trip can save you some money.

Mael Dunbar