[eBe] Government programs for citizens

Day 2,188, 08:28 Published in Belgium Belgium by NBB-BNB

Dear eBe-citizen,
you should be aware now, from reading the government newspapers that eRepublik has in a newsletter announced that they will turn 6. They mentionned the following

Between 18th - 24th of November, birthday gifts are on us:
- 6% more Strength on every train
- 6 extra Strength for 6 days
- At least 6 more prizes, rewards and great promotions!

Furthermore, they sai😛

Black Friday!
Massive discounts, deals you cannot miss - 29th of November, Day 2201

This means that in the coming days or at the 29th of November, you might want to upgrade something. But do you know that you can get government support for this? And do you know that if you upgrade smart, you can become eligible for government sponsored training?

Therefore we give you here a list with all the benefits you can receive. Just that you know it and can look what you could use!

Citizen Pack Program
Fill this form to get your daily citizen pack!
>>> http://bit.ly/Ze8Qep <<<
You need to fill it every single day!

Who? All eBe citizens
What? 500 health and 5 Q7 tanks
When? Every day

Civilian Raid Program
The MoD organizes a special fighting event and you will receive food and weapons. It will be announced in the media and instructions will be given there aswell.
The next one is this sunday, see http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/civilian-strike-2341137/1/20

Who? All eBe citizens
What? health and Q7 guns (up to 50 hits)
When? Depends on the MoD-department, just watch out for articles that announce it

Gold Loan Programs
You can loan gold under special conditions from the state. You loan 10 gold, you pay back 10 gold. So simple 🙂

Who? All eBe citizens above level 25, who's request is approved
How? Make here a topic: http://www.erepbelgium.com/f97-gold-loans
When? You can request it always, but you need to use the gold during a promotion
More info needed? Contact NLSP

Boost Your Strength
You get money from the state for training in your training centers

Who? All eBe citizens above level 25 that have at least 'Q4 Weights Room' and 'Q2 Climbing Centre' and trains daily in them.
How? Make an appropriate topic in http://www.erepbelgium.com/f93-boost-your-strength
SPECIAL: if you are a member of BNA or BCA, have at least 'Q4 Weights Room', 'Q4 Climbing Centre', and 'Q3 Special Forces Centre, and train daily in them: YOU GET MORE!

Promoting Government Communication
If you proof that you have seen a government article, you receive money.

Who? All eBe citizens
How? Post a comment on a government article (Insults do not count)
What? 50 BEF

Battlefield Travel Subsidy
eBelgian State MU's can put an Combat Order so you will earn money while fighting. This compensates the money you need to spend for moving.

Who? All eBelgians
How? Go to the correct battle, enable combat order and fight
When? The MU will announce what battle and when they will do it.

Awesome Boot Camp
An amazing MU for newer players that will help them learn the game

Who? Young eBelgians
How? Become a member of the MU 'ABC' or contact Chihiroh
What? 500 Energy and 2 Q7 tanks for each day you fought AND many more other fun stuff!

BEF Loans
You can loan BEF from the state

Who? all eBelgians that have been active on the eBe forum for at least 3 months
How? complicated procedure, just contact NLSP to guide you through everything

Best regards,
BrunoCND, eBelgian MoF
NLSP, eBelgian CP