[DEPI] Explaining Operation Aurora Australis

Day 2,155, 17:27 Published in Australia Australia by eAus Department of Information

In this edition DEPI and DoDaNS have joined forces as the Government continues to sell the great merits of Operation Aurora Australis and how it has helped our country to regain regions and boost player activity.

Operation Aurora Australis (Southern Lights) is in effect


This explanation is from our Prime Minister and New Ruler of Indonesia (haha) Mick Gatto..

The purpose is simple: Resource what's required to win our regions back, hold our regions if we lose the initiative, take Indonesian regions as long as required before Indonesia proposes peace and CoT and TWO ratify security measures to the agreement that will prevent Indonesia doing so again. The length of the campaign during this term will depend on Indonesia's willingness to stay a country and not get wiped. The ball is in their court. We can both have peace tomorrow if they agree to the terms of OR returns and long-term, enforceable peace.

What all citizens who do not have previous foreign policy experience need to understand is that it is the policy of all Indonesian governments NOT to make peace unless their country is threatened. Their arrogance is notable, lengthy and renowned abroad. This is the only way can achieve peace.

The question of whether or not they have a country ever again is entirely on them as our TWO brothers and sisters along with Argentina, China and South Africa have proven. I congratulate my friends on the global scale ; the Presidents of Poland and all of the above for their leadership and strength. These are countries who understand that with power comes responsibility to the New World and to use it for the common good. Indonesia doesn't even attempt to aspire to such moral greatness.

At home, we also now have a Government who made the diplomatic hard yards on building strong alliances and pacts, we are prepared to invest from in and out of the game for our future and we have an Executive who is decisive about the tasks ahead. They cannot possibly win against those odds and our advbantage isn't changing for quite some time.

This is a great time to get strong, earn those True Patriot medals and fight for the land of the Southern Cross.


OSL is a collaborate government tactical military and diplomatic strategy devised by DPMC and operated by DPMC, Treasury, DoFA and DoDaNS per their relevant mandate. The campaign will run from the 7th October 2013 - 6th November 2013.

Charter 1: DoDaNS role in the process

1. Prepare a national force to immediately proceed on Prime Ministerial orders to:

a) Re-gain our Original Regions (ORs)

b) Contact and obtain service agreements with the two divisions of the Australian Defence Force (ADF) and all Private Australian Military Units (PAMUs). Conditions of supply are as follows:

i) PAMU commanders agree to enforce all breaches in orders and information about sales of government supplies with immediate dishonourable discharge and advise MoD or any such matters

ii) PAMU commanders will provide a unit structure such as necessary to ensure supplies go only to active fighting soldiers that fight for the official battle orders as issued by DoDaNS.

iii) Any PAMU commander found not to abide by conditions 1(b)(i) and(ii) of OSL supply arrangements will, on behalf of their unit, disqualify their unit from any government funds or supplies now and into the future, save Senate intervention.

2. The Government will collaborate with TWO for priority listing in the battle schedule.

3. Where possible (i.e. in battles where we have a redoubtable win) influence shall be diverted to New Zealand and South Africa).

Charter 2: DoFA’s role

1. Negotiate an immediate release of all eAustralian regions held by enemy states, Indonesia and Macedonia.

2. Prepare a briefing paper, including copies of correspondence received, to table to TWO command.

3. Our position in relevance to New Zealand is noteworthy. The government will make it known it is our national priority to achieve for our own country, although we will make every affordable effort to assist New Zealand, if such assistance can be spared not to our detriment.

4. The government will call on TWO to place the same force and effect in Australian battles the same as it does in Europe. This will go a long way to prove to the Australian people that TWO sees the importance of our relationship and the geo-strategic value of our position in the Pacific and replicate the same respect we have for the regional TWO bloc.

Charter 3: DoTaFs role (now assumed by DoDaNS due to co-funding ease)

1. Obtain a producer, or number of producers, that will agree to supply the Australian Government for the duration of OSL. The suppliers agree to be paid in installments, equal to what they deliver to the DoDaNS. A bonus payment will be made if they continue to supply until the end of the OSL campaign.

Prepare a Budget for DoDaNS with OSL in mind. Funding is to be line-item at the Treasurer’s discretion. A template to include:

a) DoDaNS:

i) Australian Defence Force (ADF) Regular Supply - suspended in lieu of OSL Supply for the member’s relevant strength and level conditions.

ii) Department of Defence and National Supply (DoDaNS) OSL Supply

ai) Div 4 (50k strength MINIMUM) - 20 wp, 40 fd (all Q7)

aii) Div 3 and 4 (20k strength MINIMUM) - 15 wp, 25 fd (all Q7)

aiii) Div 2 and 3 (10k strength MINIMUM) - 12 wp, 20 fd (all Q7)

aiv) Div 1 and 2 (5k strength MINIMUM) - 10 wp, 15 fd (all Q7)

av) Div 1 (no minimum) - 8 wp, 10 fd (all Q7)

iii) Where doubt arises as to a player’s supply amount, their strength will be the primary determination. For e.g. a D2 player on 20k strength will receive a D3 supply level.

The formula is balanced on the high degree of probability that players <1 year old with a high strength have purchased gold to advance themselves and have also purchased advanced food centres, having a higher than standard number of food fights to avail themselves of in battle.


If your PAMU is affected, get your Commander to contact dPM and MoDaNS Ranger Bob or Prime Minister Mick Gatto with their supply numbers as per the OAA/OSL Charter. If you need a copy of the supply levels. Contact us.

The Australian Defence Force (ADF) and every Private Australian Military Unit (PAMU) that has registered with DoDaNS is currently being supplied in accordance with their division and strength numbers under the OAA (OSL) Charter.

Over the course of the Operation's tenure, the onus is on MU Commanders to track any suspicious usage and banish the offender to Hades as per the OSL Charter as outlined. In exchange, MU Commanders will, on behalf of their members, receive government supplies to distribute to them.

If your PAMU is not registered for OAA, contact Deputy Prime Minister and MoDaNS Ranger Bob. The Australian Defence Force (ADF) was automatically changed over to Operation Charter supply levels when the new government came to office.

Lord Braddy
Minister for Education and Public Information

in partnership with....

Minister of Defence and National Supply: Ranger Bob

Assistant Minister:

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