Opening Pandora’s Box

Day 2,065, 00:10 Published in USA Australia by wingfield

This shout was posted many times during the latter half of election day:

“Vote for Derphoof in the AFA! Time for Pony Representation!



By telling someone to vote in another party you forfeit all claim to authority in your own.

These government people think that they own your vote and own you.

Sorry, nobody owns your vote except you!

Let us see what happened in the Top 5 parties today:

AFA 584 votes 703 members 83%
Feds 174 votes 570 members 31%
USWP 137 votes 379 members 36%
WTP 172 votes 374 members 50%
AMP 133 votes 345 members 39%

[Figures as at about 2345, eRep time]

Note that the membership figures are skewed by the large number of normally Federalist members invading the AFA, along with a smaller number from the USWP and assorted other intrusions. Also note the high percentage voting figure in the AFA, normally indicative of election shenanigans.

I have said countless times that there is an unshakeable core vote for the AFA that will ensure that they can maintain Top 5 status, wherever they are. Why bother harassing them and giving them all that free publicity?

At the same time, the party bosses and the government take their party members totally for granted. They pretend to make “rules” that restrict candidacy for party president elections.

BY now you all know that this is kibosh. All that the back-room boys and girls are doing is maintaining their own position and perks at the expense of the rest of us. No wonder that they rage when anyone challenges them, as I have.

What was my mission on election day? It was to show people that you can stand if you want to, no matter what they say. It was a shot across their bows in preparation for a full campaign next month. Most of all, it was an attempt to get people to stay in my party to vote for our own leadership, rather than interfering with anyone else’s party.

The result – mission accomplished! The WTP had the highest voter participation, at 50%, of any of the non-AFA top 5 parties. Congratulations are in order to those voters, as well as the winner. You stood up for your own party, regardless of any imaginary threat posed by me!

A comment on my last article asked if I realized that I might be opening a Pandora’s Box by challenging the system like this. I certainly hope so!

The government must be attacked on every front. It has proved useless against invasion and useless in supporting those who fight for the country. Leadership has evaporated in every respect except clinging to power. We are coming for them.

When a government becomes so arrogant that its official mouthpiece chooses to insult a critic rather than engage in debate, it is living on borrowed time.

Finally, a message for those who don’t like people gate-crashing their sandbox:

Some people can’t tell the difference between a party and a club. The ruling group does not own the party. Its members own it. Pretending to restrict who can run for party leadership removes accountability of the leadership.

Telling someone to make their own party is not the answer, given that new citizens are deceived into joining a top 5 party and all power resides in the top 5 parties.

Rules formulated outside of eRepublik do not apply in-game.

When the power base of the regime is founded on control by parties in the top 5, it is legitimate to oppose that power base and take it from the hands of those who are misusing it.

Get ready for a bumpy ride!