As the nation sleeps...

Day 1,782, 09:57 Published in Pakistan Pakistan by TheJakal

My fellow ePakistanis,

Whilst you enjoyed your Saturday shopping day, dinner out with friends and some good old relaxing time the State Bank of ePakistan was emptied.

Yes brothers and sisters, all the currency from the State Bank of ePakistan and the money Serbia sent for lost MPP's resides in Aovelhangera's account.

Aovelhangera... looking straight at you

By now you might be wondering who is he? Well let me give you his story...

Oh wait there isn't much to say.

During the time of Ishamael Naeblis's presidency Aovelhangera was the general responsible for the battle of Balochistan. Although the vast majority blamed Ishamael, the truth is Aovelhangera was running the show/battle. Millions were spent under his command of which not a single citizen held him accountable or for that matter the money spent was never publicly disclosed.

And he has proven that he is running the show when he decided to empty 151,000 PKR from the State Bank of ePakistan but wait, it gets much better.

Yesterday in a heated discussion, Aovelhangera said the following:

[13:42] <&TheJakal> [11:54:07] woh shaid india ka next cp banai ga
[13:42] <&TheJakal> [11:54:15] aap tu military man hai
[13:42] <&TheJakal> [11:54:22] diplomacy bhi koi cheez hoti hai
[13:42] <&TheJakal> [11:54:26] so??? main kaya karo agar wo CP banay ga???
[13:42] <&TheJakal> [11:54:29] ban karnai sai problem jaathi nahi hai
[13:42] <&TheJakal> [11:54:31] private main karay,
[13:42] <&TheJakal> [11:54:41] we dont need indians fav
[13:42] <&TheJakal> [11:54:46] we koun bhai
[13:42] <&TheJakal> [11:54:50] you dont need it
[13:42] <&TheJakal> [11:54:58] chalo, abhi theek hay
[13:42] <&TheJakal> [11:55:08] main idar say chala jata ho, but aik cheez yaad rakna
[13:42] <&TheJakal> [11:55:18] main us kay baad pakistan ko wipe KHUD KARO GA
[13:42] <&TheJakal> [11:55:29] and i will see how u guys can come to map
[13:42] <&TheJakal> [11:55:36] wah
[13:42] <&TheJakal> [11:55:42] go do it
[13:42] <&TheJakal> [11:55:44] tum say jo hota hay kar layuna
[13:42] <&TheJakal> [11:56:10] yeh bharam bazi aap logue band nahi kar sakh thai
[13:42] <&TheJakal> [11:56:24] aap jo karna chahthai hai aap karein
[13:42] <&TheJakal> [11:56:29] its a free world
[13:42] <&TheJakal> [11:56:52] aur please sahi tara announce karli ga
[13:42] <&TheJakal> [11:56:56] kai aap kya karna chathai hai
[13:42] <&TheJakal> [11:56:59] aur date bhi dai di ga
[13:42] <&TheJakal> [11:57:00] its a free world so dont stop me

Picture of Aovelhangera taking money from State Bank Officials!

So guys, no one should have this much power in ePakistan as when they get emotional, they will only cause harm to the eNation. We are even poorer than before, we are not even worthy of Aid thats how poor we are.

So keep sleeping, ePakistan, maybe tomorrow when you wake up, ePakistan will be no more...

Kind Regards

A worried ePakistan