CEO of eCB running for Congress

Day 1,614, 09:14 Published in USA USA by Mr Andrews

It's official... Mr Andrews will be running for Congress in Languedoc Roussillon under the U.S. Marijuana Party... but who is Mr Andrews???

Many of you know me as the CEO of eCitizens Bank... but what about the man behind the bank?

The early years...
I've played eRepublik since 2008 on and off and eventually quit due to being more addicted to another browser game. Then I returned in June of 2011. In November of 2011 I brought banking back to the eUS. This is when I became most active.

Party affiliation, political beliefs...
I'm a capitalist, business man, independent, running under the U.S. Marijuana Party. Government's job is simple... protect it's citizens through military might... and that's it.

I'm a business man, it's all about dollars and cents to me. In my bank I make sure I make a profit as well as my investors. I'm all about being a stand up person and make sure that I do not wrong anyone.


Yes... I said it... taxes should NOT be paid by the active citizen. Taxes should be paid by the 2-clicker. If you are past the 2-clicker phase then you should be educated on being empowered to making more money under the table. This will only strengthen the economy. I believe we need to put more into educating our citizens on how to avoid taxes. This will make them more money and most likely stick around and play them game longer before getting frustrated and quitting.

Lowering income taxes... they should go down a little, not too much though, the government does need money for the military. Like I said... we need to educate our ACTIVE citizens on learning how to avoid taxes. If you are reading this then you are at least somewhat active.

Military, my only basic stances on war is to defend ourselves, help our allies, and most important keep our production at 100%.

As you can see, I'm simple and to the point. I hope to see you on election day... as with any congressman running for office I will pay for your expenses to move and you may find a tank in your inventory box for voting 😉 See you on election day!

The way I run my bank is the way I intend to serve as your congressman...

eCitizens Bank Financial Report

eCitizens Bank



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