Day 1,447, 08:49 Published in Croatia Canada by antjerci

First : this article is not published to offend anyone, but represents my personal impression after the battles that took place in this game on The Days 1445 / 1446 of The New World. Therefor, this impressions are subjective and have nothing to do with any group of players , units, or e-countries.

Second : saying that, I want to express my GRATITUDE to all eCroatian, EDEN, TERRA, and NEUTRAL players who fought in those battles on OUR SIDE,

as well as to CONGRATULATE eSerbia and all players who fought on their side!


Third : I want to point that even Natural Born Croatian and EDEN soldier, I am NOT TAKING SIDE! Following can and IS HAPPENING to anyone!

( Please : pay spec. attention to highlited or pointed parts of images, and if small – right click on pic – view – than zoom )

[11:17] eRepublik :: Battle [15981] Slavonia :: Resistance force of Croatia vs Serbia :: Domination 50.13% > 49.87% :: Score 1720 to 1760 :: Time 118 minutes :: Link http://www.erepublik.com/en/military/battlefield/15981 ::

[11:18] eRepublik :: Battle [15981] Slavonia :: Resistance force of Croatia vs Serbia :: Domination 49.88% http://www.erepublik.com/en/military/battlefield/15981 ::

FACTS : 1. there was enormous buying gold and spending RL money on BOTH SIDES ( look some shown influences ). You do not think it is all FF, do you ? 2. Help from allies was lower than expected ( strongly disappointing )! 3. If You saw Slavonia as Croatian internal problem ( strongly disagree with that )! - than Apulia should be obvious ALL EDEN prio fight ! 4. Some MUs and individuals proven them selves as great Croatian friends, and EDEN / TERRA pillars of honor ( my deepest respect )! 5. There was mistakes in leading this campaigns by our military leaders ( agreed, but not as Trolls say like stickers catching on this fact – main reason of defeat )! 6. Croatian Invasion of Middle and South America and breaking „cage“ did not result in any bad consequences for her Allies ! On the contrary – they regain original regions, and some of them even expanded their territories and economy! NAPs, that they had all the rights to sign ( must be pointed! ), as well as eSerbian – eTurkish tension due to many facts ( eKosovo, some insulting articles of individual players etc ) – all that, as well as Croatian „pulling“ eSerbia and ePoland arround the eWorld where ever we go – gave them free hands to prosper! 7. Many our own players and even so called „tanks“ did not fully participate in this important battles!

Well, old wisdom says : „ The one who lose – has the right to be angry“. Just, I am not angry at all. I am only a bit worried and bitter that my impression at the end of this article, after all this shown - may not be far from truth, and as I said – can happen to anyone ! But hey, I know this :

After I said facts above, all what's left to be said now is : „ no meter how hard you want victory – if your side is leading in battle, if you think that because of that you can hold with buying gold – you are WRONG!“

My subjective impression is this :

I expect nothing to be changed in erepublik after this article, except maybe – some Forfeit points or even worse for my self.

If you want to buy gold - you will continue further more. Dear God, Plato and my wife ( and now you who read this ): know I am Platinum member. Therefor - I would like that "product" I am buying works as declared : provides me FUN and FAIR PLAY!

I will use this article to CONGRATULATE my e-brother and friend overk on winning CP elections,

and to wish all players of Islam religion : Bajram Şerif Mubarek Olsun