Strength training Optimization!

Day 1,082, 09:45 Published in Canada United Kingdom by Jsboutin

(Please vote to get people knowing about self-sustainable training! It's in eCanada's interest!)

Hello fellow eCanadians,

With the new strenght system comes new factors to take into account when deciding upon which choice suits you best.

I will also take into account the 1 strenght in the daily reward in my math.

Please note that by income, I mean income you are willing to put towards strenght training. If you buy weapons, food and houses, take it into account!

First off, the options:

1)Basic Training: 0% Bonus, you get 6 or 7 strenght a day, depending if you invited friends or not.

2)0,19G Training : 50% Bonus, you get 8,5 to 9,5 Strenght a day

3)1,49G training : 100% Bonus, you get 11 to 12 Strenght a day

4)1,79G training: 200% Bonus , you get 16 to 17 Strenght a day

I will assume you have never invited anyone (But the maths should be easy to do if you want to know with your friends)

Then, we will compare the time to get a SS with each of them:

1) 20 days
2) 13,33333 days
3) 10 days
4) 6,66666 days

The real cost (Assuming treasure maps at 5G a piece)

1) Profit: 0,25G/Day
2) Profit: 0,185G/Day
3) 0,99G/day
4) 1,05G/day

The data is quite interesting, here. All things considered, the cost of the 100% Bonus is almost as big as the cost for 200%. Same goes for 0% and 50%.

The cost of Strenght:

1)0.25/6 = +0.04G/Str
2)0.185/8.5 = +0.02G/Str
3)-0.99/11= -0.09G/Str
4)-1.05/16= -0.065G/Str

If your income every day is < -0.185G/Day (Yikes!) : Use normal training.
If your income every day is at the above value, use 50% every day.
If it is over that, use the earned money in Napoleon Training every possible day.

+100% is never worth it.

Assuming I your daily income >-0.185G/Day

1,79 / (I+0.185) = N, The number of days separating each Napoleon use. Other days, use 50%.

Therefore, ((N-1)*8,5 + 16)/N = Your average strenght earned every day.

Case study:

Assuming I earn 0,30G/day:

I should use Napoleon every 3,7 Days

Which means an average of 10,52 Strenght earned at the maximum sustainable rate for me without decreasing my capital.

Note that it is with a starting capital that lets you reach the next Super Soldier medal.

TL😉R: Look at the above formulas.