Anarchy in the Modern World

Day 977, 02:55 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Not Quite As One

Frequently people scoff at the idea of anarchy today, saying it is outdated and impossible, and it frequently attracts even more derision than people who support communism. Most of all, people do not believe the modern world can sustain anarchy.

The root of this problem, in my opinion at least, is that anarchy is one of the most misunderstood words in the English language. Many people automatically link anarchy with chaos, destruction etc. Indeed, many people mistakenly say that nations in civil war, such as Somalia at the moment, are anarchistic. This could not be further from the case, for civil war inevitably leads to power for a few individuals (such as the warlords emerging in Somalia), which contradicts anarchy.

What anarchy in fact means is:

“A social state in which there is no governing person or group of people, but each individual has absolute liberty (without the implication of disorder) but is bound by a social code” - Oxford English dictionary

The important things to note are the lack of implicit disorder, and the absolute liberty. Many people say these two things cannot coexist, but anyone with a bit of optimism can see that it is possible. Why would people work? The simpe answer is this - people would get to choose whatever job they wanted, and they would understand that if they did their job, the person who provided their food, or the person who cut their hair, may have a better life for it. If these people then have a better life, then they are more likely to put more effort into growing food, or whatever their job may be, so they can continually receive this improved quality of life.

If anything, our modern world has made such a Utopic vision ever more possible. Whereas once there were miriad unpleasant jobs that somebody still had to do, with modern mechanisation, this is no longer the case. Admittedly there are still a few, and these could be done as a community, but increasing mechanisation and technological improvements slowly decrease even these few.

Also, the incredible connection among people in the modern world make an anarchist society all the more possible, as it has caused a breakdown of national boundaries (combined with capitalist measures designed to do the same to improve sales etc). This breakdown in borders has weakened the powers of the State, and the State is one of the key things standing between us and anarchy.

The third big part of the modern world that supports anarchy is the move towards pacifism. While there are still militant nations (USA being an obvious example), public opinion as a whole seems to be moving towards pacifism. If war ends, the breakdown of national boundaries is only increased. Also, there is no need anymore for the biggest barrier to any revolution - the army. Anarchy is, at its heart, anti-war, since there shall be no nations, nor states, nor authority, so who would you be fighting?

I hope this has cleared up some things for a few people, but also convinced people of the validity of anarchy in a modern world. I know I am not a great writer, but it is the ideas which are important!