[Orion Games] The Rules explained: eNL Supplies

Day 3,752, 04:13 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by Ministerie van Defensie

Dear citizens of the Netherlands,
This is the week of the ORION Games! What are these games? The official rules are explained below. With the start of the new week and the reset of the weekly damage leaderboards the ORION Games will start! The following text is a message from Orion HQ!

Dear members of the Orion Alliance,

The Orion games have finally arrived! This is your chance to show ORION HQ and the rest of the world how much your country can do!

All the preliminary details were already published in this article here. In this article you will find how the points will be calculated and what all the categories will be for points. For a brief refresher, remember that this competition is mostly about how much you have improved from your average over the past month, not how much damage you can do in this week. That means that small countries have the same chance to come in first as the larger countries.

Countries will be ranked based on the points that they acquire throughout the competition. The competition will take place over the typical weekly challenge period and an average will be taken for each country of the previous 4 weeks in both damage and tank kills.

The country which comes in 1st will receive 100k cc
The country which comes in 2nd will receive 50k cc
The country which comes in 3rd will receive 25k cc
The country which comes in 4th gets nothing but has fun anyway

The first category is tank kills. Below you will find how the improvement in kills is calculated as well as the number of points a country will get based on their placement:

Most improve😛 ((new-old)/old)x100%
1st place 3 points
2nd place 2 points
3rd place 1 point
4th place 0 points

The placement will be decided based on the percentage of improvement determined by using the formula above.

Example of the calculation - Average for Country A over last 4 weeks was 5 kills per week. During tournament, Country A gets 10 kills. ((10-5)/5) x 100% = 100%. There was a 100% improvement.

The second category is damage done by tanks. Below you will find how the improvement in damage is calculated as well as the number of points a country will get based on their placement:

Most improve😛 ((new-old)/old) x 100%
1st place 3 points
2nd place 2 points
3rd place 1 point
4th place 0 points

The placement will be decided based on the percentage of improvement determined by using that formula.

Ex. of calculation - Average for Country A over last 4 weeks was 5,000 damage per week. During tournament, Country A gets 10,000 damage. ((10,000-5,000)/5,000) x 100% = 100%. There was a 100% improvement.

Additionally, there are 3 bonus categories, each worth 1 point, so that if a country came in 4th one time, they still have a chance at placing in 2nd or 1st. The categories are as follows:

1. The country which gets the highest damage per capita will get 1 bonus point.
Calculated by taking total damage and dividing by number of active citizens found on the society page on the last day of the competition
2. The country which does the highest amount of air damage will get 1 bonus points.
3. The country which gets the highest air damage per capita will get 1 bonus point.
See per capita calculation above

With that, may each country have fun, and good luck!

Let the games begin!

Kind regards,


The Ministry of Defense Supplies soldiers who fight during the ORION Games.

1. Each fighter with eNL citizenship who comments below will receive 20 Q7 weapons
2. At the end of the tournament all eNL citizens will receive additional supplies based on their damage output and total kills.
2.1. For every 50 kills you will receive 1 Q7 weapon
2.2.1 Division 4 players: For every 100 million damage you will receive 20 Q7 weapons
2.2.2 Division 1-3 players: For every 25 millions damage you will receive 10 Q7 weapons

When you are in need of food supplies, send a PM to the Minister of Defense.

Signed by,


Minister of Defense

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