[MeDs] The Minimum wage discussion

Day 3,909, 08:34 Published in Ireland Ireland by MeDs.

Hello, citizens of the free world.

Two days ago there was a Minimum Wage law proposed by Winston Hope Smith

By its own reasons or lack of debate, the law was rejected.

I was able to participate in a conversation among a couple of players in one post but I think that this requires a proper location for the debate, and that is why I am writing this article.

Below are the pictures of the conversation if someone wants to participate in the discussion.

My Oppinion:
Min wage was ok previously when we had fixed energy per 24h and you had to plan it how you use it.
Everyone worked in MU companies and you fight for good and weapon.

The game is changed, now you have a constant energy refill and actually, you can earn a decent salary and with a Q1 house, you get extra income.

I don't know why someone would like to work for min wage.

Yes, I have been long away from the game, but please let us talk and discuss why for the country and the players it is good to have a min wage

I am packing popcorn for this thread 😃
