You like girls...Trent likes girls...Vote Trent?

Day 700, 16:34 Published in Canada Canada by Trenton Rendell

British Columbites
I may not be a former American President
I may not be a Wolf or a Sgt.
Heck I may not even have numbers in my name.

But what I do have is Seven Hard Workers medals, Six Congressional Medals and Two Super Soilder Medals.
And 7+6+2= Vote for Trent.

I am also a Two Time Party President of the Canadian Social Democrats and I'm the current Vice President of the CSD. I've held Three different Cabinet posts.
And 2+1+3= Vote for Trent.

I was born on day 360, I've been a eCitizen for Eleven months or Three hundred and four days.
And 360+11+334= Vote for Trent.

And if you wanna go furthur we can, by converting the letters of my name into numbers we see that
(19+18+5+14+19+15+14)+(18+5+14+4+5+12+12 )= Vote for Trent.

I'm open to any idea and concerns you may want to bring to congress (Simply PM me)
It's pretty clear.
Trent+Your Vote= A better Canada and British Columbia.

Thank you.
Go Nucks Go

Best of Luck
Best Regards
Happy Holidays
In God We Trust
and Love
-Trenton (Trentonius) Rendell. (CSD)