Why I chose Netherlands

Day 1,814, 15:19 Published in Netherlands Canada by Aries Prime

Hello everyone my name is Aries and I am from Ireland.

I asked to join Netherlands because of various corruption and organizational issues over in Ireland as well as because I was enticed by Zeeuwsmeisje, but first let me explain briefly what I know about the game to date and what I have done in the past.

I joined this game with a group of about 15 other individuals with full intent of gaining influence and power in Ireland so that we could become a more powerful force. We took over a party called the IUP and we slowly built it up until it was the 3rd ranking party in Ireland with numerous congress members. We also had our own MU dedicated to the party and we really were rising fast mainly because of all the infighting there is in Ireland. Thing were going great until I noticed some of my buds starting to go inactive, others quit, and eventually I was the only one left who hadn't quit or was two-clicking.

During this time I was actually a captain of the Irish Army and a government distributor or supplier of weapons for all Irish people. Eventually I grew impatient and tried to make myself the head supplier which I succeeded in doing only to have our treasury robbed days later effectively shutting down all of Ireland's government programs. From there I started up my own daily, or as frequent as permitted, supply article outlining which countries were handing out supplies, at what times, and for what divisions.

I also have some experience with the economics of eRepublik in that I have flat out devoted some of my own time into looking at how the monetary markets, organizations, job markets, taxes, and etc work. I currently own a q3 food factory which I eventually plan on upgrading to a q5 in the hopes that I might be able to start mass producing food. I understand most of how currency is created and destroyed in this game as well as how wars effect the monetary market, an example being how the rush of new wars has sparked a demand for more currency to buy weapons which in turn causes gold to cost relatively less currency since the value of currency has increased.

My main reason for coming to Netherlands was to learn. I will make no illusions that I am very much interested in learning about how the mechanics and governments of eRepublik work. Because of this I will be working hard to work for Netherlands in some government position which will in turn benefit everyone in Netherlands. I had tried for many months to get into some form of greater experience and skills in Ireland but the political atmosphere of the country is very hostile and dire. I have found that Netherlands is a much more friendly and organized country which I hope I can benefit from as well as be a benefit too.

~ Aries