Who is that man and what does he want?!

Day 608, 16:37 Published in Austria Slovenia by Karantanec

Hello my dear austrian friends!

You may not know who I am, so please allow me to introduce myself. I am born eAustrian, probably one of the oldest if not the oldest who is still active in eRepublik. I was born on march 8 2008 in Carinthia. I lived a happy and peaceful life until some people started to emerge in Salzburg in April of the same year. They took the country hostage and completely destroyed its economy. The times werent the easiest they could be but we somehow managed to overthrow their rule. It soon became clear that Austria will get the only neighbour it hadnt yet bordered. This made an enormous impact on Austria both politically and economically. Unfortunately I was forced to leave Austria since I have had lost all my political allies. This made me move to Slovenia where I quickly realised this isnt the thing I was looking for so I left politics until i decided to run for the president of Slovenia for the first time. I managed to win elections, after my mandate ended I fought some battle on the battlefield and I was given the rank of Lieutenant in Swiss-Italian war. Meanwhile I opened a Food company which I still own with other 3 companies. After some months long rest from politics I once again run for the president of Slovenia. The other candidate was defeated by a great difference. I remained the president for 3 months and afterwards I left politics to get long time awaited Field Marshal rank.

I was considering this step for more than a month and now I am here, back to Austria after more than a year I have returned to this great country to help it grow. The reason I am here is mostly because Austria has one of the most active populations and thus making it one of the top destinations to live since it has small but connected population.

I believe we will achieve great economical advancemant, but this will not be possible without higher wages!

I believe we can have great political debates to encourage our new citizens to start their political career!

I believe we can make our country safe from the evil slovak terorrists and in that matter we will need to start and win the war on teror!

I believe we can make our great religion of Kaiserism great and important religion of the new world and that is where you are needed to spread the gospel!

I believe we can achieve many great things as we are the 300. We shall fight all for one and one for all to achieve eternal greatness!

I am in this matter running for congressman in Styria and with your help we can make this all happen!