What`s the meaning of our military?

Day 649, 05:43 Published in Singapore Finland by Erius

[My apologies to my Finnish readers, this article is writen only in English.]

Greetings, people of Singapore

There have been a discuss about an elite unit, Athene League, which our president, Woshiempire planned to found and organize. There have been althought talk about eSingapores military. Some players have asked ”Does we even have to deploy our army? Where we even need military?”

In this article i want to explain why it is important that our country has strong military. I will also give my opinion about the elite unit and Torchwood.

Singapore, Land of Dreams?

Singapore is New World`s only microstate and because of that almost unnoticed in the world`s politics. We are part of the Sol alliance and that`s one good thing for us, because now atleast Sol`s member nations know that we are here and we are not any other countrys puppet state and that we have a good and active community.

Tewionist`s of WLO pray for Tewio before the battle

I have to say, that we are quite poor nation. Not in wealth (of course in it too 😃) but in New World`s event`s and wars. There`s many interesting things in world but we are quite separeted here. As a finn and former president of Finland i know what it means to be separeted from the other world. Other countries wont know us as well as we might know them – because we are an small nation.

Many politicians in Singapore have said, that we should get more players to Singapore and campaigns to get people from USA or other countries have been made. Still we are a small country. Why is this? It`s because we are not wellknown in the world.

White Lion Order making a landing in the shores of Sabah at training war between Malaysia and Philiphines

We are as strong as our military is. This is a fact and our military is the only thing that can inform our allies, friends and other countries about our presence in the game (unless we spam in global media everyday).

Strong army – Strong nation

Why theocrat`s were so appriciated in Europe and in the world? Because they had strong and well organized military – infact their military was best organized in the New World. Althought their economy in Switzerland wasn`t so good, but their skill`s in art`s of war were wellknown and appreciated – even if their country wasn`t important in geopolitical meaning.

WLO`s High priest, Tuukka_Almighty testing his new weaponry

Theocrat`s are a good example how good PR a good military is for a country. If our army is deployed to help our allies and friends and they know it then we gain some xtra respect from there and our country will be noticed. The better military, the more attention we gain. Our country needs that attention if we want to get new and experienced players here. We need to gain that attention and a strong military is way to get it.

Funding – can we fund our military?

Yes we can. Singapore isn`t the most richest country in New World, but we aren`t the poorest one. Some might think ”Why we should use our money for military?” but i have to ask, where we should use it if not for military? For our companies which would bring us more money? And we would use those profits also to our companies? Should we just gather money for our treasury and try just get more money with it?

I have made also a proposion to congress about solid funding for our military expecially for Torchwood. You can find my proposion from here:


You have to register to country forums if you want to see and read that so that`s a good way to come active on our forums 😉

In that topic there`s a part which include next text:

”Some might think where we would gain funding for this. Singapore isn`t a rich country, but i have to meantion that we aren`t a poor one. I suggest that congressmembers would fund military. This wouldn`t mean that they give money from their own treasury for military (of course it would be appreciated) but that they give those 5g for goverment and goverment would use them for MoD`s budget. Even if only four congressman would donate those 5g for military then they gain 20g for budget. If country would give couple of hundred sgd`s with that to MoD`s budget we wouldn`t make much minus. There`s many ways to get funding for military. ”

That`s a one scenario and way to get funding for our military. Of course the should be more talk about funding and we couldn`t just give money for everything to our forces. Funding have to be planned before we start it – if we start it.


Deploying is of course important for getting our military stronger, but for now when we have war games with Latvia and Malaysia etc. We can train our forces now home and this change would be used because we spare money. Still, when there`s a change to help our allies/friends by deploying Torchwood we should do it. War games still offer us a away to train our forces in home an spare money, but they shouldn`t be the way to replace deploying.

The new elite unit might look like this

Elite unit?

Yes. I support this idea because we have an change for it.Because of WLO and iranians who came here we have now players whose rank and strenght is higher than Torchwood`s soldiers and most of them are willing to be part of our military. We could always set these players to Torchwood, but then there would be another platoon – but nothing would change. Funding and everything would be the same and i think that if we start to make some changes to our military funding we should start it from our most strongest unit – and that would be the elite unit.

Personally i don`t want that people think that torchwood and this elite unit would be unequal. This elite unit would act just like Torchwood, but of course they would be given better equipment if there would be a important battle to win. What it comes to funding i would propose that MoD (minister of defence) would ask only one budget and funding fro both unit, TW and this elite unit would come from it. I`m going to make better proposal about this, but for now this is just my opinion.

We need Torchwood as much as we need coming elite unit. In Torchwood our soldiers can be trained and maybe someday they will rise to that elite unit but we have to remember, that they are both just different units of one Singapores army.

~Erius, congressmen and the representative of WLO