What is the “NAARTJIE revolution” about?

Day 1,535, 21:09 Published in South Africa Norway by Enriche2Ribeiro

What is the “NAARTJIE revolution” about?

So by now you all know that I am running for President with Wilpanzer as my Vice President. But what are we going to be doing? I want to revolutionise the country (Ricky looks across room and notice many sit upright in fear of the unknown). No I’m not starting a cult but do want to develop certain areas within eSA.

Well let me breakdown all the relevant sections that exist within cabinet and the country. I would like to make in roads to these changes but you need to realise that these will require the help of all eSA citizens and if you are not in the mood for hard work, it would be better not to vote for me, as a vote for me will require me to ask you to help.

Ministry of Domestic Affairs

Well I mention this as a first – because it affects our community first hand. Well I wish to support being issued to our new players via the Transvaal Kommando and the NPP program with a direct tactic on building the overall quality of our youngsters and getting them active on the forums and IRC.

Culture wise we have a very proud community and would like to see the continuing of our awards as this creates the desire to go forward for some and acts as inspiration to newer players.

We need to build on the existing structure of this ministry.

Ministry of Security

This ministry I would like to remain untouched as it is so vital but would like to help these guys train some more people to be able to relieve them from their responsibilities every now and then. I would like to see them form specialised unit that could be similar to the FBI/Hawks that could be used to swing congress votes from PTOers and block things in the name of security.

We have a wealth of knowledge here would like to tap into it to help the progression of citizens. Security is every ones problem so all should help to keep this nation free.

Ministry of Defence

Well our borders are safe at the moment thanks to our allies Brazil. We hopefully will be joining an alliance within the game and hopefully we can co ordinate our efforts to better assist our allies. This term we need to have something to fight for somewhere to belong.

If we are not protecting our borders we will be developing our army by assisting our allies. I would like to see the funding of our soldiers increased to see them fighting more that 50 opponents a day.

This ministry will be working closely with the MoFA and the different Military Units.

Ministry of Finance

This ministry is doing well and Crumoet has done an excellent job in making sure our accounts are always growing. The only thing is I would like us to investigate different options to getting in on these economic changes.

I would like to see a bigger relationship between the MoF and the business owners thinking of private and public expansion. We have rich people in our community we just want them to help the community grow in strength.

More money can never hurt our nation.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

This is the one department I wish to see being developed and have asked some older players assist me in getting things in place and order. I wish to see this section split into three sections under the umbrella of the MoFA.

I will be starting a new revised program starting with 5 paid ambassadors and hopefully increasing it. I want it to become a world renowned program as people will start seeing us as a nation that is good to have as an ally.

I would also like to have a delegation to CSC to strengthen this alliance and assist it in growing from strength to strength. At the moment no one is heading it up … enter eSA.

We will also be forming another delegation to assist in getting us access to our new alliance.

I will also be looking at adding a contingent of 3 congress members to my cabinet as a way to try and bridge the gap between the two. They will play an advisory role while bringing urgent matters to the cabinet’s attention. They will be elected from congress and will join the cabinet.

I will also be looking at ways to stream line immigration as we are going to start advertising this nation to our neighbours and try getting some players from other nations. Perhaps a sort of protocol to entering our nation.

This is just a quick run down of things I would like to see change. If I am elected and hopefully we can start using our time of peace to strengthen our nation.

If you have any questions or would like to be part of my Cabinet contact me via PM and let us chat. We are in need of loads of “Slaves” to make this thing work.


VOTE for the revolution, VOTE for Enriche2Ribeiro, VOTE for change, VOTE for Wilpanzer1

Thanks Ricky
Your future President
VOTE Enriche2Ribeiro 5 FEB 2012