What happened?

Day 1,930, 18:50 Published in Malaysia Malaysia by clanky4

What the heck happened? One minute everything is fine. We are losing a war to eThailand and poised to lose Peninsular Malaysia (ok not so fine). We lose the region and I log off for a few hours. I come back and not only have we lost Peninsular Malaysia but we have also lost Sarawak without a battler even being fought.

I was like "what the heck happened?" There was no real warning of eMalaysia losing Sarawak and I didn't even see eThailand attack the region. I really do not understand how this could have happened.

I mean I know that we were losing the war to eThailand, but not THAT bad. Back in my day the country president used to be able to retreat from regions BUT they changed that awhile ago so that the country president could no longer retreat from regions.

I really don't think that erepublik would have changed it just to change it back again that just does not make sense. Unless erepublik changed it again to make me look really old.. OR erepublik really wanted ethailand to win this war!

Either way erepublik saw to it that all congressmen, or just me, in eMalaysia were transported to the beautiful Singapore City.

Heres hoping for some answers,

p.s. lets all congratulate our new El Preisdente for life Godfather II