What? Get ready for war?

Day 1,466, 08:24 Published in South Africa Norway by Enriche2Ribeiro

What? Get ready for war?

Yes, you heard right. We stand on the eve of a war with a mighty foe. Our ally a few days ago was made a NE (Natural enemy) of eIndoneisia. In plain terms the Indos declared war on Brazil.

What does this mean for eSA, firstly Indonesia has attacked one of our rented provinces, Eastern Cape. Although occupied by Brazil this province is still a core of our nation and a source of income for our country.

Next Indonesia has a tendancy to wipe out smaller nations. Look what they did to our allies in the east Australia, it is no more on the map. Hard to swallow but true eSA is a small nation.

What to do?

Well, our Military Units are healthy and stocked up so if you are not a member of a MU become one quickly. It is of utmost importance to be linked into the military as it looks like it will be a big battle and will take lots of strategy from our leaders.

Red Army
Dignity Brigade
Tigra Militia

Next, stay active over the next few days we will need maximum player log in. Firstly to stay informed, secondly to receive new orders, and lastly to prove that you are truly a patriot of this nation. Things to look out for check daily papers to see for updates. Ask Questions, questions do two things get you information and tell our leaders that you are helping the cause. Go onto the forums!

Next we take stock! Fight everyday but try to build up a reserve of weapons and food. Don’t waste things at this time. Build yourself up increase production, trade and build - build - build. We need to at this time become resourceful.

Lastly now that while we have enjoyed a time of peace, we will also enjoy a time of war afterall we all like killing indos…

Party President of the Union of Patriots
Fighting for eSA in the battlefields and in the shadows.