Well what is UP doing?

Day 1,471, 11:24 Published in South Africa Norway by Enriche2Ribeiro

Well what is UP doing?

As you know people are waiting to see who is running as UP’s candidate for the upcoming Country President elections. As a party we are still new and are still currently putting things into place, so we can be on the front of any new things happening within party politics.

So with this said we as UP have chosen not put up our own candidate as this might be premature, but to rather support a candidate from another party. We had a vote and decided to go with a member of our community that is an example to us all and a person we as a party are excited to throw our full support behind.

The candidate is no other than Mr Crumoet himself. We at UP will be marketing along side the SA Development Party.

Mr Crumoet you have our support in more ways than one.

Keep a look out for UP… we are everywhere join today!!