Well I'm Off.

Day 492, 20:33 Published in Canada Canada by Trenton Rendell

It seems I will not be serving my fourth term in Congress, Many things to say:

To my fellow Congressmen: I've had the greatest 3 month with all of you, And I'm honored to have served with you. Good luck

To Albertains: It seems an Hungarian invader is more suited to serve you in Congress then I am. Now I know it may not be all your fault but the numbers tell the story.

To The Hungarians: Simply put you can all rot in the fiery depths of Hell, You've taken away from me the one thing I love and that is to Serve MY! country.

And to all Canadians: Keep United Keep Strong you are and forever will be the GREATEST country on Earth.

And as for me Who knows I may stay, I may even travel the world, I've been in need of a Vacation. But I will be back. And when I get back I know eCanada will have grown stronger and wiser.
Till then I'm off.

-Trenton Rendell-
--The Canuck--