We shall overcome!

Day 855, 22:43 Published in Philippines Philippines by sansae2

We will fight this foreign invaders from taking over our great country.

http://s3.tinypic.com/fu3xnt_th.jpg.jpg/">http://s3.tinypic.com/fu3xnt_th.jpg" border="0" />

Three parties are now changed to Serbian PTO haven. We cannot afford to lose any congress seats so "save your votes" and wait for orders. You will vote where the seats are vulnerable to Serbian takeover.

A little sample of our victory dance!

http://i38.tinypic.com/23rsvg7.jpg/">http://i38.tinypic.com/23rsvg7.jpg" border="0" />

S mga noypi jan, mai nangangamoy sda sa mga nangyayari d2 sa epinas