Wars, Fighting, Bliss 전쟁, 싸움, 블리스

Day 1,003, 15:25 Published in South Korea New Zealand by Marcos Arolia

(If you have not read yesterday's article, here is the link: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/quiet-days--1491922/1/20)

America has attacked Far East Russia. As of the beginning of this article, Khabarovsk has become a deathtrap for Russian soldiers and their allies. Three of the four countries in East Asia are allied with the opposing militaries:

한국(사우스) (러시아)

Corea, while not fighting directy, have citizens fighting for China in this battle. The reasoning for this assault tie in with The Northern War covered from the beginning of the East Asia Daily's activity. USA plans to march westward through Russia and reach Norway directly. Conquering the country is only a bonus and not expected to take place.

China National Defence Army

The reorganisation has proven to be successful.Three of the top fighters for USA are eChinese and members of CNDA. Former President Haferkorn holds the top position as of this point in the article. Behind him is icewd.

Japanese Imperial Army

Due to a bug within the MPP system, Japan is incapable of fighting for the USA side in this battle. They would have to go to an allied country to assist USA in its offence. TheReverendSeanV has written an article asking Americans for assistance in bringing this to admin's attention.

South Korean Guard

As the youngest army in the game, they are the most enthusiastic but least experienced. For many RL Koreans, this will be their second battle, but it will also be their first V2 Battle. Under these circumstances, they will be making a small impact on the battlefield.



Empress Day voting continues today for eJapan. As of this point, three of the candidates are tied with 2 votes. Also, new Party President Lejina has 'PTOed' the Godzilla Party. Keep in mind that Lejina was a member of the party three months before.


Enthusiasm is high in the Korean citizenry as Minister of Defence Arjay Pheonician has called the country to arms. As spoken of earlier, all Korean citizens have responded enthusiastically. President Grease has ordered Producers to manufacture food for the South Korean Guard.


Corea continues its journey to stability today as Shauny B has unveiled a new forum. The old forums were incapable of allowing in Chinese citizens. The new forums have been tested, and RL Chinese can now enter and communicate with their fellow non-Chinese Corean citizens.

Child of Alexander has written an old yet new idea for the small population of the country. He has proposed to create a society similiar to the Theocracy with the major difference of the lack of Dioist thought within the higher echelons. In every other way, it is proposed as a carbon copy of the religious paramilitary group.


China has mobilised quickly and efficiently against the national enemy of Russia. Ministry of SinoDefense has ordered the citizenry and armed forces, whether they are CNDA or SMART, to deploy for Far Eastern Russia. President wangxiaoyall has mocked the poor positioning calling the Russian government Pro-Eden. While sarcastic, this blunder has led to the Russian forces and their allies to be butchered in the deathtrap around Khabarovsk and the defence system while attempting to recapture the tiles.

Chinese media has mocked how easily Russian forces allowed Americans to capture Khabarovsk and take complete advantage of the hospital and defence system. YaHoo.CN speaks of how hospitals improve the rank of soldiers by healing those on hospital tiles and around the Area of Effect. The longer one stays alive on the battlefield, the more they will improve militarily. I completely agree with YaHoo.CN. He also writes about the new Hospital rules.

The most important article today is an inspiring one by President wangxiaoyall. In it, he speaks of how Liaoning is desired to be returned to China by the majority of our citizens, if not all of them. We are reminded of who allowed Liaoning to fall to Serb hands in the first place. The decisive battle will be soon.


전쟁 에서 유럽

Events seem to have finally turned for the UK. With assistance, the UK has defeated Poland, driving them back to North America. While Canada has gained another victory in SouthEastern England, France has joined the direct effort in favour of UK while UK has counter-attacked in the Midlands. Whether this is the beginning of the end for Canada's invasion has yet to be seen.

ATO 조약 (Treaty)


Read this copy to understand


Marcos Arolia