War! War! War!

Day 1,319, 00:39 Published in Philippines Philippines by sansae2


Who ever thought that a Filipino staple food will be featured in NyTimes.


People of the ePhilippines a number of Congressmen is with you, calling for wars.

As I have mentioned in our congress deliberation, what makes eRepublik worth playing is the wars.

Currently we have an alliance with eBrazil. Hooray for eBrazil.

We are having some fights with their enemies right now.

This wont last long.

We need a definite partner to conduct training wars.

But who?

That's where the great minds of the government comes in.

The Congress and the current administration is talking about possible partners to conduct training wars. eTaiwan is the best choice. The problem conducting training wars with eTaiwan is that they are busy right now with eSouthKorea. Another problem with training war is that the cost of it. It cost a lot for a training war and our nation as many all knows is poor.

So those who have spare monies or golds out there, donate to our country and we will have training wars in the future (soon if we get the right amount).

The upcoming administration will surely continue working on this situation.

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