Vote sir_c0nstant - eAustralia first.

Day 957, 07:19 Published in Australia Australia by Sir_c0nstant

Hello eAustralia,

Tomorrow again we vote.....

We vote to save our beloved eAustralia from falling into the hands of fate.

The enemy is amongst us and so far we have struggled to curtail their activities, but it is not all doom and gloom for it has given us the opportunity to work closely with our allies to counter the threat, and with a growing conviction that we must and can succeed in our quest to free ourselves from the chains that bind us.

With our friends continuing to come from around the world in our hour of need

eAustralia will prevail, and we shall be free.

My plans for the future revolve around V2(rising)

To establish a military machine that works with the best of what eAustralia can resource.

To establish an economy that can fund the necessary projects to boost citizens welfare, knowledge and participation in the game.

To keep eAustralian regions being governed by eAustralians.

To aid me in these plans are my team....

Cabinet ministers...

PM: sir_c0nstant
dPM: Widdows9000
Chief of Staff: Wally Wilson

Finance: Venja

Foreign Affairs: Dark Vorodor
deputy: Bass Junkie

Defense: Patti11
deputy: Machinemadness

Industry: Binda33
deputy: Testware

Immigration: Darth Spader

Public Relations: Viado_Celtru

Education: Bearclaw
deputy: Calumh123

Babysitting: Agentgreeny

Health: Kyle Thornton

Remember to vote for me sir_c0nstant

If you can, revive your dead friends tell them how important the vote is and together we can prevail.


sir_c0nstant OA
CP eAustralia