USAF Stats - Last 7 Days

Day 1,753, 14:19 Published in USA Greece by Maxx Johnson

Typically I only handle stat articles for ST6, however I thought it would be a nice change of pace and a little fun to look at the USAF overall. Keep in mind that these numbers are not 100% perfect, but instead are designed as an overview look at the different groups

Here is the breakdown by Division and overall figures of influence put out in the last 7 days.

Division 1

Influence by Group:

ST6 0
SF 0
UM 0
AF 3,120,540
RS 363,610
FT 2,047,540

Division 2

Influence by Group:

ST6 4,166,080
SF 0
UM 4,172,050
AF 54,467,090
RS 4,834,420
FT 3,726,420

Division 3

Influence by Group:

ST6 290,100,410
SF 8,901,020
UM 116,123,310
AF 184,749,650
RS 168,617,730
FT 0

Division 4

Influence by Group:

ST6 1,996,444,770
SF 2,331,350,340
UM 549,450,460
AF 234,402,950
RS 161,624,330
FT 27,103,590


Influence by Group:

ST6 2,290,711,260
SF 2,340,251,360
UM 669,745,820
AF 476,740,230
RS 335,440,090
FT 32,877,550

All total the USAF combined for approximately:

over the last 7 days.