Upcoming Party President Election

Day 1,851, 08:56 Published in Malaysia Malaysia by clanky4

The Party Presidential Election is tomorrow! That's right tomorrow for 24 or so hours only you, that's right!, you the average eMalaysian citizen will have the chance to vote for the next President of your political party!

While this is indeed an exiting time in eMalaysian politics exceeded only by the Congressional and Country Presidential Elections it is important to keep in mind one very important thing.

PTO or Political Take Over. It has happened in the past in eMalaysia and it could happen again! The only thing that a foreign power, or even a small group PTOers, needs to begin their take over is a group of people and a Political Party. So be weary of anyone that you suspect does not have eMalaysia's interests truly at heart.

Also just a heads up DO NOT VOTE FOR NICHOLAS THE BLOOD! He was apart of an old eSerbian PTO effort against eMalaysia. He is very evil!

All in all remember to have fun this Party President's election day and remember the fate of your political party rests in your hands.
