
Day 1,963, 15:56 Published in Malaysia Malaysia by clanky4

Hello my fellow eMalaysian and eThais who now seem to read all of my articles. Are you feeling down? Feeling like a bunch of jerks just took over your country for no good reason? Well you are not alone. There are numerous other countries in the eWorld which have also been completely wiped out for an extended period of time.

Just to name a few these completely wiped out countries include: eCanada, eAustralia, and eIsrael. All of these nations share a similar trait with eMalaysia, they have all been wiped and deprived of any access to congressional elections.

Its not as if these eNations have completely given up. Occasionally a resistance war will start in one of their regions sometimes they will be victorious only to be crushed back down by the original power that took them out. But they do not give up. And that is what we, as eMalaysians, must do now. Not give up to these foreign aggressors.

I mean just take a look at the current president of eThailand not only is he obviously an eSerbian but he is also his own Prime Minister!

Not only is this guy his own boss he also, currently, has absolutely NO wiki article. Even I have a wiki article and I've barely done anything in erepublik.

So when you are feeling down about being completely taken over by a bunch of eSerbians just remember that you are not alone in your struggle. We all just know that the eSerbs are super jealous of south east Asia.
