Trenton Rendell for Prime Minister -Make the Choice-

Day 728, 16:35 Published in Canada Canada by Trenton Rendell

In our nation's history we have been faced with choices. While we have celebrated with our good choices, we have payed the consequences of our bad choices. What if we had never gone to war with France? What if we never joined EDEN? What if we never stood together as one voice and take back our land from our aggressors?

Our nation is once again faced with a Choice. We could continue with the current administration and weigh the risks of our Governments actions. We could elect a past Prime Minister and give them a second chance to paint a better image of themselves. Or we could go with me? An experienced, loyal and committed eCanadian who wants the best for his country and for his brethren. I ask of you to put aside Party Politics look beyond the image of our Parties and look into who is really capable of leading our great nation into bigger and brighter roads.

I, Trenton James Rendell seek the nomination of your party.

I have split my platform in 5 main topics.

The heart of our nation, the pride and joy of eCanada.Hundreds of Women and Men dedicate thier time to see that peace is kept in eCanada and the World.
The Ranger program is helping hundreds of new eCanadians learn the ways of the game and of our military.
Under the Rendell administration I wish to continue the program and open several more platoons seeing as how there are many eCanadians who wish to join the CAF are unable to do so because of space.
I will continue with our 'Elite' program. A program necessary to help the development of eCanadian 'Tanks'.
With the help of the MoD, MoF and EDEN we will focus on who we think the most important nations to MPP with and I will make sure the MPP's are updated at the end of each month.
The Rendell administration WILL NOT allow enemy nations roll over us without a fight
I also would like smaller platoon sizes espcially in the Reserves 1 guy taken care of 25+ other guys is a bit crazy

The arms of our nations reaching out to the world for help and guidance we would not be where we are right now if it wasn't for the countless of hours spent, dozens of languages spoken to aid our Nation in our time of need
The Rendell Administration strongly believes in respect and cooperation with other nations.
That's why under my administration we will see a complete restructure of the Ambassador Program. I will make it easier for citizens to get involve while having the best people for the job.
Furthermore all information on the Ambassador program will be easier for other nations as well as curious citizens to find. Current Ambassadors need not worry you will be allowed to keep your current post.
Also The Rendell Administration also believes in the importance of Alliances.
That's why I will appoint a Representative to all the alliances in the world both Friendly and Enemy, These Representatives will be the voice of eCanada and the Messenger of the Alliance. They will be the best suited for the job.
I will also be checking in with my MoFA and my Alliances Reps on a weekly basis to ensure our voice is being heard all around the world.
The MoFA will present to me concerns given to him by his Ambassadors concerning other nations.
eCanada under the Rendell Administration will continue to play a major role in EDEN and the Brolliance these are our best friends we owe the world to them and no amount of words can express our gratitude for what they did for us.
I will also push for stronger diplomacy with enemy Nations. As well as push for peace with countries that we are at war with.

The legs of our Nation without our economy we can't move forward no nation can.
Now to be honest not my strongest point that's why my MoF and MoI will be the most experienced and best suited for the job.
Right from the get go my Ministers will present to me their estimated budgets for the month, Myself and the Minister of Finance will look at it (Make corrections if possible) And present the Budget to congress for their approval. to ensure that my Ministers are getting what they need to run their Ministries efficiently
Also under the Rendell Administration we will stop the weekly printings of CAD and move it to a Bi-Monthly procedure.
Because of the 600g loan that was never payed back. All loans must be approved by congress before they are contracted regardless of amount. This will ensure that no bogus loans are being made and not being paid back.

Our great nation, our great citizens, The Blood of our nation without us eCanada is nothing.
I believe in strength in numbers and the more active and informed a Country is the stronger they are.
It's great that more and more eCanadians are registering onto the eCanadian Forums, but do they ever stay.
Under my Administration any eCanadian that registers and post 10 times on the forum will receive 10 CAD not much, but 10 CAD can mean a meal or no meal for young Citizens in the game. Hopefully by having them contribute 10 times on the forums it will encourage them to continue participating on the forum and in the game.
I will also keep the public informed in what the government is up to with Weekly newspaper entries. Also I will appoint a Minister of Publication to promote our services such as our Health Canada and The eUniversity.
Being from Quebec IRL My administration will make an effort to promote French Canadians to get more involved in eCanadian life, We have seen the start of this with French articles popping up once in awhile though and I hope to see it continue.

My proposed Cabinet The Brain of our Nation without the brain, without a Cabinet eCanada would lose all guidance
I believe in small Cabinets, it's less confusing for both the Prime Minister himself and the Public.
I will only be introducing two new Ministries The Minister of Domestic Affairs and The Minister of Publication both Ministries will be taking the stress off of the rest of the Cabinet.
All Ministers will respect the constitution of eCanada and also respect Congress.
I will also be working very closely almost on a daily basis with the Leaders of ALL parties to make sure that they are being heard and the Government can help meet the needs of their Party Members.
Because I'm not just working for my party I'm working for all parties, for all of eCanada.

So make the choice with me.
I advise everyone not registered on thier respective Party's forum, Go ahead and register and Vote for Trenton Rendell in your Party's respective polls
Elect Trenton Rendell Prime Minister of eCanada.