To my Friends, the Bundeswehr, and the German Community in General

Day 1,051, 17:02 Published in Germany Germany by Alex Drex

It's been quite awhile since I last wrote. It's been even longer since I've been motivated to write, this evening, however, I feel compelled to write to all of you once more.

As I am sure many of you have noticed, I haven't been very active recently. This is due in large part to my school starting again, and my determination to get as close to perfect grades as I can in order to get scholarships to go to "Uni" as they say in Europe. 😉 However, perhaps even a bigger reason is the game itself. We've all seen this game slowly dying over time. New, and terrible, additions to the game, changing rules, just all around weird things happening. I've become less and less motivated to continue playing, and thus have fallen into the ranks of the "two-clicker."

Things were looking like they would get better when the admins announced the new military module changes, and they did get a bit better. However, I must say that the limitless wellness packs and new MPP rules have totally undone the good that the new changes to the module have brought. These updates have been even more of a "buzzkill" so to say. It's just sad to see the makers of a game finally listening and making actual improvements, and you're sitting there thinking "Maybe they'll fix this, and it won't be so bad after all, maybe I'll start playing actively again..." when they do something like this a screw it all up again. For the sake of us all, I do hope they make the necessary changes and revert the MPP rules and limit wellness packs.

Anyways, on to the real point of this article, I'd like to say thank you to the German eRepublik community as a whole. You guys are amazing. From my fourth day of eRepublik so long ago, until now, I have been here, and I've loved every second of it. My time spent in Open Minded Germany, my time in politics, my time in the Bundeswehr, every second has been truly entertaining, far more than this game would be if there was no community. In fact, without a community, I doubt any of us would have lasted more than a few weeks in this game. I've met some really awesome people in this game, within our community. People from all over the world that I would never have met, and I am extremely glad to be able to call many of you my friends.

Despite this great community, I still find myself lacking desire to continue playing. If it weren't for the community I would have quit long ago. However, I have now decided that instead of quitting, a change of scenery might be best. I am writing this article to announce my departure from Germany for an undetermined amount of time. I will be heading off to Taiwan with some friends once it is finally released (hopefully tomorrow). I find it quite difficult to leave my eHome, but I believe it is necessary. A fresh start in somewhere new will hopefully reinvigorate my eRepublik career. Hopefully, the cure to my non-desire to play is just that I need some lulz. So that is what I'm off to do.

It's been a pleasure, and an opportunity I am glad I took advantage of, to live in eGermany, and play this game with all of you guys. And while I may be departing from eGermany itself, I will still be in the community, IRC, TeamSpeak and all that, and hopefully, if all goes well, I will be able to be the Ambassador to Germany... we'll see.

Honestly, you guys are some of the most fun, cool people I've met. Hopefully this move is what I need to get back into this game, because that is my main goal. I plan on eventually returning to Germany, but I don't know when. Anyways, goodbye everyone, see you on IRC.


Regards and farewell,
Alex Drex
-Former German Ambassador to US and Canada
-Former KSK III Soldier

Ipsa scientia potesta est.
Knowledge itself is power.