Time to kick some UK ass! (Norway Battle 11:35)

Day 2,148, 17:53 Published in Netherlands Canada by Aries Prime

Battle is up, so lets give it our best shot.



Although it is clear we will win our first few fights because of Norway's shield, it is important to review the UK's strategy. They intent to fight in waves against Norway until they have depleted the shield. This means we need to fight out hardest when it is on the UK front. The upcoming battle is our target battle to do large amount of damage as we want to deplete the UK shield first. Be prepared.

Make sure to fight your hardest against the UK when the battle in on their land. We want to deplete their shield!

Side Note: Your damage does nothing as long as Norway still has a shield up when the battle is on their land. Try not to fight unless the bar is below 50% and the shield for that round has been depleted.


I don't have any flashy pictures (found one) or winded speeches, but it is that time again to defend our brothers against UK aggression.

A small history lesson, 9 months ago under the leadership of Kimberly McCullouch we fought with Norway against UK aggression. They decided to take over Norway for no better reason then their superiority complex, and we beat them back, allowing Norway to take over Scotland and Netherlands to take Sorlandet (or Vestlandet, its been awhile). After getting their asses kicked, Papa Poland had to swoop in to help the UK take back their land and take over Norway. Norway later kicked the UK out with combined allied support.

Once again, we will need to stand up to help our great friend and ally to smash those arrogant pricks back into the gritty island they call home.