They are coming from all sides

Day 1,962, 11:55 Published in Malaysia Malaysia by clanky4

Well it finally happened, again, eMalaysia is; and has been for awhile; being attacked on all sides. The eSerbian puppet states of eThailand and eMontenegro launched a simultaneous strike on both Peninsular Malaysia and Sarawak. Meaning that all of our remaining regions are at risk of being under enemy occupation.

And what is worse is that the eThais and eMontengros are currently winning both battles.

If you have been reading any sort of media that has been published in eMalaysia in the past couple of days you will have no doubt seen several figures from eThailand trying to justify the attack by saying that eMalaysia had violated the 'rental agreement' that was made last month. They claim that the agreement was supposed to be indefinite while the agreement clearly stated that it was for one month and than would be open to debate there after.

Instead of that eThailand decided that they would try to take Peninsular Malaysia back by force. But they knew that they couldn't take on the eMalyisan military alone. They were far too lonely.

They need eMontenegro to confuse the eMalaysian military by opening a second front but, more importantly, they need eMontenegro to be their best friend forever.

Put simply eThailand's strategy was to not do it themselves but let their sudo-ally do about half of the work. In general eThailand's demenor to the entire situation has been somewhat unprofessional even more unprofessional than this article AND this newspaper. And that is really saying something.

In the end win or lose we can take comfort in the fact that the at the least the eThailand government is nothing more than a bunch of eSerbians PTOing an unpopulated eNation.
