The Truth Unveiled: Exposing Falsehoods and Setting the Record Straight

Day 6,041, 03:55 Published in Italy Italy by last_hero

Recently, I have come across a significant amount of mendacious rhetoric (aka B S) concerning eItaly and myself, prompting me to address the matter.

Georgelakeland, as you may be aware, relocated to eItaly and documented his experience through numerous shouts and in this article

What I can state, despite my extensive years of experience in this game, is that I have seldom encountered such a proliferation of disingenuous claims emanating from a single individual.
Initially, he assailed other parties, subsequently directing his attacks towards my party and me personally, as evidenced in the screenshot below.

My sole interaction with this individual, apart from endorsing his giveaway articles, was the private message exchange shown below, during which I transferred 500 Q7 Weapons and 15000 Q1 Food to assist him.

Now you can discern firsthand why you should distance yourself from me and my party.

Furthermore, I would like to highlight one of the comments made in response to this article:

Firstly, dear Ciccardo, you are not acquainted with me, thus lacking the grounds to make any assertions about me. Secondly, despite boasting about residing in Miami, I would recommend you work on improving your English language skills.

Peace and love,


P.S. I didn't make it to the congress this month either, so it wasn't a conjecture against our friend. 😃