The Time Before Bieber

Day 2,145, 16:36 Published in Ireland Ireland by Releasethe Krakken

Far back in history real music was made. For your youngsters these music was made with things we called musical instruments. Musicians learned themselves to play these musical instruments and then formed what we called bands. These bands then went to what we called then studios and laid down their tracks on cassette. From this cassettes they would cut a vinyl record that we called a long player or LP not vinyls like you young morons call it. These long players was played on turntables and no we didnt scratch our LPS like some kind of numbnut. No you lifted the arm up and put it down on the track that you wanted to play. At first it would make grrr grrr and throughout the song clip clip . If your LP became too scratched you would take two pieces of glass and put your lp between them and cook it for a few seconds in your oven 😃. I cant remember how successful that was but ok.

Also you got cassettes you needed to rewind of fast forward to the song you liked. I had a Telefunken tape deck that fast forwarded at double the speed when you hold in one of its buttons. Also buying music if you lived in a small town required a lot of planning and screaming at incompetent shop assistants that took ages to send your LP to you. The best at that time was Hillbrow Records that since has become a criminal suburb but please visit it so we can write your Rest in pieces. This was my first LP not so good but anyway. There was no big time producers that hooked young talentless nobodies upped with good songwriters that wrote popsy schmaltz.

People got drunk on this music and planted the seeds that became little youz. So please listen to the music of your birth.

Kiss - the Oath

Escape from the island - Kiss

A World Without Heroes - Kiss

Last Train To Clarksville - The Monkees

I'm A believer - The Monkees

Buffalo Springfield - For what it's worth

I - Kiss

Mr.Blackwell - Kiss

Mungo Jerry - In The Summertime

Stealer Wheels - Stuck in the middle with you

Three Dog Night - Mama Told me not to come

STeely Dan - Reelin in the years

Turn Turn Turn - The byrds

All Along The Watchtower - Bob Dylan

The Band - I Shall Be Released

Steppenwolf- Caroline