The State is the King and I am the King

Day 1,545, 03:15 Published in North Macedonia Cuba by Klaus Hargreeves
Louis XIV's Most Famous Quote(one of the famous King of France aka the Sun King)

The State is the King and I am the King !

l'Etat c'est le Roi et le Roi c'est moi!

I think there is an analogy between this statement and economic module of e-Republic.


To be more successful player you need to have:

1.Q6 weapon Factory

Neht step is to HIRE 10 WORKERS in order to produce more Q6 weapons

2.To be able to produce the tanks You need SALTPETER MINES(most cost effective)

4 of them for each employee!

3.Q5 Food Factory

Also you can Hire 10 player

4.And also you need CATTLE FARM

3 of them for each employee!

In the end of the day we have:

110 - 220 Q6 tanks(it depends on bonuses)

1 100 - 2 200 Q5 bread (also depends on bonuses)

We spent,together with trainig grounds(4 of them) almoust 800 health

And about 2 000 local currency (depend on wages in different countries)


Today we fight with Q6 weapons and We have earned a minimum of 5 Gold(depend on economy in different countries)

It is sufficient for training in all training centers and You can go a little gold on hand for a rainy day 🙂

And in the and We just need to buy MU (military unit)

Only for fighting where you wish 🙂