The Something and the Someone

Day 1,803, 16:50 Published in USA Canada by olivermellors


Much effort is being devoted to discussion of the procedure for choosing a candidate in the forthcoming presidential election. Attention is being given to the drawbacks and consequences of various forms of voting. That is good. Here is what is being lost.

The reasonable concern about technical matters ignores the absence of substance. No one is demonstrating that they have a concrete plan of campaign, no one has yet gone past statements of broad superficial intention, no one has yet given us anything to vote for. We will have someone to vote for, to be sure.

The someone is important. We hope and seek competence, skill, judgement, activity, a networked and decisive leader motivated by the general common good. Those people are quite common.

The something is more important. We seek a concrete plan of campaign, competently thought out, demonstrating skill, judgement, evidence, a high likelihood of success and benefits for the community at large.

There is no reason the something has to wait for the someone to become president. Indeed, an election campaign is the time when the competent demonstrate that they are ready. They provide the electors with something to vote for in addition to someone. They explain, elaborate, justify, and promote concrete steps that are predicted to lead to concrete quantifiable results. In office, they execute that plan.

Undoubtedly, they periodically measure gains against predictions and make adjustments when the result is different than anticipated. They communicate failures, successes and results to the public in a timely manner. That is what competent management is about. That is what party presidents and two clickers and active citizens will be attracted to. That kind of management is incredibly attractive.

Want to gain new voters for the “unity” program? Have a credible campaign, a believable concrete program, measurable results: communicate a vision and its fruition. Give the elector something as well as someone.