The New Era of eUS Politics - Part 6 - finale

Day 2,052, 23:53 Published in USA Australia by wingfield

Go on! Be brave! Vote anyway!

Keeping your powder dry

I am not really a fan of Ayn Rand – too many issues!

However, something about “Atlas Shrugged” clicked a button in me yesterday. About a month ago I fantasized about setting up an internal opposition over West in Oregon or someplace like that. People who’d had it with Unity and the government could band together and save up their votes for whenever righteous chastisement was warranted against the government.

Perhaps this is not such an idle fantasy. I saw one brilliant article yesterday, about “Doing a Galt” and another one this morning about citizens becoming truly “independent”.

OK, so where do these musings lead me, in the context of what I have been arguing in these articles? A few bullet points will help here:

• we have no actual functioning government. There are names and titles but no one is ever at the office;

• the political system in the eUS is in lockdown, with no third option between two equally unpalatable alternatives;

• neither of these opposing forces are prepared to give an inch – to each other or anyone else;

• we are down to one region – by the time you read this we may be wiped;

• the prevailing political situation has rendered it impossible for new talent to emerge – save those who have long tongues impervious to taste.

Many of you are about to make a shattering discovery – that we can manage very well on our own, thank you very much!

Before we go off into our wilderness sanctuaries and plan our re-emergence to take back America, in more ways than one, consider the following:

• the grand official taking of the line in the sand – which I’ll name “Operation Ham-Fisted”, in the interests of greater accuracy – was a complete and utter failure.

• the government sought – and got – US-AIM co-operation, because we had to keep faith and give the regime one last chance – but still no one in any official position exercised any leadership or communication skills.

• the great “reform” touted by Unity left us completely in the dark, like mushrooms fed on bovine manure – no official announcement of the Unity candidate and not even any declaration of the votes from Top 5 and other parties.

So, now it’s time to say goodbye, and thanks for all the rancid fish.

With no government and no regions. Life goes on. Here is what you need to do:

• DO NOT VOTE IN THE CP ELECTION! Refuse to endorse any of the blackguards

• Do not belong to a political party that works to maintain the status quo.

• Do not belong to a government military unit. Join one of the US-AIM units.

• If you are out of a job, get one in another country. Then you will pay no tax to the scoundrels who have robbed you blind to date.

• Follow military orders from someone who knows what they are doing – in US-AIM we consult and then promote the results of our decisions – AND get better results than the regime; and most of all


You are not alone; not forgotten; and there will be an end to this shambles.

signing off for now …

Have a Happy Fourth of July!