The New Era of eUS Politics - Part 5

Day 2,051, 03:07 Published in USA Australia by wingfield

Go on! Be brave! Vote anyway!

An Open Letter to All New Citizens

I have been writing a series of articles addressing the problems in the political module in eRepublik as it has affected the eUS. These articles can be read by clicking on the following links:

1. We no longer have a government
2. Rights and Wrongs
3. Zombie parties and political control
4. Effective parties – the way back

These articles are instructive reading but you need more before you move along in the game. First of all, you need to understand the present “State of the Nation”.

Political parties

The basic political unit in eRepublik is the political party. The five biggest parties in a country have infinitely more power and influence than minor parties. It works like this:

1. A top 5 party president nominates the party’s slate of candidates for Congress. No one else gets a look-in.

2. Party presidents nominate or endorse candidates for Country President. There can only be five candidates in the election. The candidates endorsed by the top 5 parties get priority over all other nominees for spots on the presidential ballot.

These two factors guarantee an effective lockout of minor parties and their members. Competition for the top 5 places is therefore fierce.

If enough citizens band together to hold one of the top five parties, NOTHING can be done by the other four parties or the rest of the population to stop that particular party being held by its members standing together.

The critical mass to hold a top five party is somewhere between one fifth and one sixth of the active political citizenry.

Even if the four other top five parties are held by a close alliance of citizen groups, a fifth party with the critical mass of members can never be completely locked out.

The current party arrangements

In the eUS, four of the top five parties are closely aligned at present. The fifth party, called the American Freedom Alliance (AFA), is bitterly opposed to the other parties but has the critical mass of followers needed to remain a force in Congress.

The AFA is intensely disliked by most other eUS citizens but everyone forgets that dislike is not sufficient to exclude the AFA’s political clout. It currently has the numbers to remain viable.

Do not be swayed by the AFA’s propaganda about patriotism and political takeovers (PTO) but also, do not be fooled by the wishful thinking in government propaganda which tries to suggest that the AFA threat can actually be removed. It can’t.

Now, I said that the other four top five parties are closely aligned. In fact, there is an alliance of those parties bent on maintaining permanent control over the eUS political system. It is just as unhealthy as the AFA in that it has locked down our democratic freedoms and caused total stagnation in the country.

The other four top five parties support an arrangement called “Unity”. Unity is as bad as the AFA.

Why are the AFA and Unity bad?

The AFA pays no regard to democratic principles. It is led by a player who has a single goal. That goal is to become President. The leader of the AFA appropriates the name of a great American leader and uses it to attempt to deceive us.

The American Freedom Alliance (AFA) has a name that contains three lies in one title! To build support, it infiltrates enemy citizens into the country via the citizenship module. Many of its leaders fight on the side of the countries invading us.

Unity, on the other hand professes to be patriotic. However, it is simply a cabal of control freaks who think that ordinary voters are not entitled to a free vote. They ensure that only hand-picked time-servers get to control their parties and that no one outside their circle ever has a chance to become President.

While the “Unity” establishment can never remove the AFA “threat”, neither can the AFA achieve its objective. It needs one third of the votes in a Presidential election to take over the country, something which is almost impossible.

So we are trapped in a never-ending cycle of lies, scare campaigns and the denial of democratic rights, while Unity can never obliterate the AFA and the AFA can never take power.

A plague on both their houses!

What the eUS needs is new talent. It needs leaders wishing to serve instead of ruling.

It needs to reject tired old dinosaurs locked in the mentality of political domination.

America needs a fresh start.

Next: Keeping your powder dry.