The Fourth Crusade

Day 1,104, 07:36 Published in Singapore Finland by Erius

[Pahoittelut suomalaisille lukijoilleni, mutta tämä artikkeli on kirjoitettu vain englanniksi]

Greetings, my fellow citizens!

In last few weeks there has been a lot discussion about Confederation of Southeast Asia or SEA and the possible Philipine attack to Singapore. ePhilipine president made a statement sometime ago where he said that ePhilipines would attack eSingapore and conquer us in order to create an Philipino Empire.

The other not-so-very-good-new is that our govermental organizations have been stolen. Yeah, all of them, except two. Some people might first blame Philipines for this – they planned to invade us so it would make sense to weaken us before they launch their attack. But their goverment has supported our attempts to get our stolen property back and they condemned this robbery. Philipines president Jelly stated that they wont attack Singapore now when we would be an easy target for them.

We`re living hard times, my friends. But just like we`ve survived from PTO attempts, monetary crisis etc. , we will survive from all this.

The Fourth Crusade

Over one year ago White Lion Order – Order of tewionist knights – left eSingapore and moved forward in our quest to help smaller eNations. Over one year ago our small but effective organization tried to help eSingapore and it`s citizens to build their country a better place to live.

White Lion Order (WLO) has visited eSwitzerland, where we fought against shaolin PTOers. We visited eCyprus and helped this new nation to survive from PTO attempts. Our members have served different nations as a ministers and congressmembers. A lot has happened since we left this sacred land, but we never forget our roots here.

Ad victoriam!

After WLOs glorious triumph in many other countries, we have decided to come back to eSingapore. One reason for this decicion is the fact that eSingapore is living hard times (like I mentioned earlier in this article) and it needs help of it`s old and new citizens and friends. White Lion Order sees eSingapore as our friend and homeland and we truly want to be here and help you.

At the moment there is two of our members requesting citizenships, so if someone from our new congress reads this article, you can approve applications by Arctica and Potaatti. Both are old members of WLO and they were here when we last time visited eSingapore.

White Lion Order is looking forward to help eSingapore. It is an honour to serve this sacred land.

To those, who does not know our Order, let me briefly introduce our organization;

White Lion Order

We`re a group of finnish players (but we`ve also had some foreign members and we welcome everyone to our ranks – what ever his/her IRL homeland is!), who are eager to find a new meaning for their eLifes. Most of us have experienced active times in politics of eFinland or some other country and now they want to experience something new. Our organization is willing to give that opportunity to it`s members – and every member of our organization is able to propose an ”operation” for our group (each member can also decided, will he/she participate in that operation or not). Till this day we`ve had three operations – the eSingapores Crusade, eSwitzerland`s Resistance and eCyprus` Crusade. Our organization is pretty small, but we`ve active and loyal members. If you`re interested about joining our group, please send PM to me. We`re eager to take new members to our brotherhood.

Presidential elections 5.12.

Over one year ago, when me and my fellow white lions were here fighting for better Singapore, I was given an honour to serve eSingapore as a president. After watched how our orgs were stolen, how eSingapore was /v/irginized and how Philipines threathed to attack us, I decided that if our citizens would give me their trust, it would be an honour to serve our glorious nation once more as a president.

I`m gonna write an official manifesto later, but in this article I want to introduce myself so that those who have not heard about me (I`ve been away a long time...) will gain somekind of information about me;

eHistory (short)

I started my eLife in eUK where I spent my early days before coming of V1. After V1 I moved to eNorwey, which had conquered my RL homeland, Finland. Me and my fellow finns fought to free Finland, but with so many bugs in game (because of V1) I decided to quit before I truly had started to play this game.

After couple of month`s from my eDeath I noticed in forums that my old friend, Okkius Pyromanius, was joined the race for eFinland`s presidency. I decided to help my friend and I came back from the dark halls of eHell, where (as someone say) I belong.

Here`s some achievements from the time after my resurrection:

7x Congressmember
Ambassador to Spain (from Finland)
Ambassador to Singapore (from Finland)
2x Representative of Ambassadors (Finland)
2x Party President of Red Jihad
1x Party President of Punainen Yhteisrintama (Red Front)
President of Finland
President of Singapore
Minister of Information (Singapore)
3x Advisory Representative (to Sol from Singapore)
2x Representative (to Sol from Singapore)
Ambassador to Sol (Singapore)
Chairman of Sol
2x Party President of Tewionist Party of Singapore
1x Party President of Enarchist Party of Singapore
Minister of Foreign Affairs (Finland)
Minister of Internal Security (Singapore)
Minister of Defense (Singapore)
2x Minister of Immigration, Education and Recruiting (Finland)
Former Member of SolDiers
Vice-President of eSingapore

Most of these titles are meaningless or not so important. They don`t tell anything else but that I`ve seen eWorld and that I have some connections in foreign countries (and maybe some experience in some areas of this game and it`s mechanics).

I will publish my manifesto in next few days and I`m gonna tell more about my plans. At the moment I don`t have a support of any party, so I have to first get atleast one party to support my run before I can be an official candidate. So if any party does not have an candidate or is willing to support my race for presidency, feel free to make me your candidate. Before I`m sure that I can get support from one party, I wont publish my manifesto.

So that`s all for now. I wish best of luck to other candidates.

Best regards;

Erius, Vice-President of eSingapore