The fate of eEurope has been sealed!!!

Day 792, 04:08 Published in Russia Germany by Xenous Primus

How will the saga of eEurope continue?
Will the continent become divided between eSpain and ePoland?
That's what many might guess.
Or will eGermany appear on the eWorld Map again?
There are some people too who believed and some who still believe this. People are talking with enthusiasm about the new rise of eGermany.
But the lack of unity in the eGerman leadership and the eGerman people created several issues in the past.
Its time to learn from eRussia and ePoland, the nations where many eGermans used to live in.
Its time to collect money, experience and strength, to bundle powers
and then go into the hearth of the old enemy.
And to conquer it.
The time will come soon but there still are many preparations to be made.
The eGermans have to learn to compromise their own opinion for the welfare of their own nation.
Only united they can be strong, only when they are ready to disclaim on their own rights
in order to support a collective aim to defeat a collective enemy.

The Saga continues, with or without eGermany.
And the history proves that only a strong nation under a strong leader may survive
and the weak ones die and fall into the dust.
Free eNations all over the World!
Support eGermany in their struggle to survive. Act now, become allied to eRussia and stop the ePolish advance!
The fate of eEurope is at stake.