The eUK Situation - Day 1646

Day 1,646, 10:36 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by HebronGazelle

The eUnited Kingdom is a key position on the map for any country trying to connect there country from the European mainland to North America. Conquering this country would give you a massive advantage in helping out allies and taking new regions. It comes to no surprise that we have many battles in the past few weeks.

Change Over The Past Week
One week ago we had Canada in control of our whole country except for London, which we owned, and Yorkshire & Humberside, which Poland owned.

After many close Resistance Wars, we have managed to take back 7 more of our regions, just in time for Congress. But with the chance of USA coming back and Canada taking some regions, there is no time for rest. We must still take back some regions.

As you can see we still have Canada occupying Wales and the North West of England. Since Canada foolishly decided to set their Natural Enemy to Belgium, they could not stop us from taking back regions except by fighting in Resistance Wars. This decision could have cost Canada the eUK. Poland who was stopping Canada from taking a region has given back Yorkshire & Humberside. France is still being bombarded by Hungary so are unlikely to return to the eUK soon. But they will still be an enemy of the eUK in most people’s eyes.
Region Change Over The Past Week
North East of England - Was Owned By Canada - Now Owned By United Kingdom
Yorkshire & Humberside - Was Owned By Poland - Now Owned By United Kingdom
East Midlands - Was Owned By Canada - Now Owned By United Kingdom
West Midlands - Was Owned By Canada - Now Owned By United Kingdom
East of England - Was Owned By Canada - Now Owned By United Kingdom
South East of England - Was Owned By Canada - Now Owned By United Kingdom
South West of England - Was Owned By Canada - Now Owned By United Kingdom
eUnited Kingdom's Enemies
The eUnited Kingdom had 2 enemies, excluding the USA, and one of those is fighting a war with Hungary. So instead of showing the USA in these weeks’ stats, we have shown Hungary, who will hopefully conquer the whole of France.
Active Citizens
Canada is still the lowest populated country, while Poland is now the top populated country as we have not shown USA. Poland has 12,000 citizens which is almost double the eUnited Kingdom's amount of citizens.

United Kingdom - 6176( Decrease of 76 )
France - 4569( Decrease of 53 )
Canada - 1815( Decrease of 18 )
Poland - 12000( Decrease of 113 )
Hungary - 7421( New Stat! )

New Citizens
The eUnited Kingdom has had another rise in players joining the country, and are even top. Hungary beat Poland by 2 in this stat and Canada, who are also the lowest populated country, are still bottom.

United Kingdom - 89( Increase of 42 )
France - 22( Decrease of 8 )
Canada - 12( Decrease of 1 )
Poland - 59( Decrease of 14 )
Hungary - 61( New Stat! )

Average Citizen Level
There is little change in this stat as the eUnited Kingdom is still stuck at the bottom with 10. Poland and Hungary have tied at the top of this stat, both on 22. Canada was very close behind, leaving France in 4th.

United Kingdom - 10( No Change )
France - 17( No Change )
Canada - 21( Increase of 1 )
Poland - 22( No Change )
Hungary - 22( New Stat! )

Poland’s massive empire has grown a little since last week. But at the same time, France has fallen to Hungary who is storming through there. The eUnited Kingdom has been busy fighting against Canada, and taking a few regions as well.

United Kingdom - 8( Increase of 7 )
France - 7( Decrease of 6 )
Canada - 15( Decrease of 6 )
Poland - 23( Increase of 1 )
Hungary - 13( New Stat! )
This article was written by CheetahCurtis on the 23rd of May 2012. Please subscribe for more great tips and info. And remember to vote CheetahCurtis in Yorkshire & Humberside on the 25th of May 2012.