Thanks for having me

Day 1,652, 11:41 Published in Canada South Africa by OKayOK

Hi eCanada,

I have been here in your beautiful country for some time now and have laid low, watching, analyzing, just getting a feel for what this country is about. I have to say that as a country you seem to be well catalyzed, except for some strange party politics. I feel that the most weak part of my welcome here is that it seemed overly complicated to join a MU. It seems to be complusary to join the forum, but I see this as fairly strange as orders are now issued ingame.

For those dinosaurs out there, you might remember me as CP of eSouth Africa. During my terms and past my terms eCanada was always a strong friend. When I decided to leave my lifelong citizenship in eSA, I took a look at the entire map and decided on your country. I cannot tell you why I did this, perhaps I will find that out.

In real life I am a South African. I am a avid eRep player and I will NEVER pay admin one cent for gold.

I hope that I can find a home here and I hope that I will be able to contribute to the society in a way that will make Canada Better.

Thanks for trusting me with citizenship. I will do everything I can not to disappoint you.

Regards and Play on

Mark Morcom