Thank you eAustralia

Day 1,144, 00:35 Published in Australia Australia by Sir_c0nstant

Dear eAustralians,

Thank you for putting your trust in me to lead this great nation of ours, I promise to not let you down.
A couple of thanks are in order before I get down to business...

Thanks for the intermediate government, its a no win position you were in.

A special praise to wally wilson who had the responsibility of the big red button for 2 months, and at one point was our only official government rep in game.

I would also like to thank the other runners for a nice cleanish campaign that we all ran, it showed a level of respect between runners and that clean campaigning can be achieved for all future CP campaigns to follow.

Now to business.

Firstly, as you are aware we are under a financial cloud at present and we have already started discussion in earnest as to how to turn this around, we have our best and brightest financial minds on the case and discussion is brisk and open. At present all options are on the table and we hope to present something to senate as soon as we reach accord in cabinet.

Secondly, alliances, again all options are on the table, we have began talking to our neighbours as to see how best eAustralia can work into plans. More on this will follow as its a work in progress.

Lastly for now, at present RW's will pop up these are not governmentapproved, so resist from fighting in them, we have MPP's fights available so always choose them first and follow orders from IRC, forums and the ADF newspaper, we will be talking to eIndonesia to work out how to move forward from this point.

If these updates start getting beyond me I will probably be looking for a PR person, but until then stayed tuned...


sir_c0nstant OA
CP eAustralia