Thank`s to my voters!

Day 643, 02:57 Published in Singapore Finland by Erius

[My apologies to my Finnish readers, this article is writen only in English.]

Greetings, eSingapore

Congressional elections are coming and many potential player`s have decided to join the race for congressmembership. As a former High Priest of the White Lion Order I was elected to candidate for the elections. With the permission`s of our president, Woshiempire, and Singapore Republican Party leader I joined SRP and candidate. This is my manifesto:


I started my eLife in eUK where I spend my early days before coming of V1. After V1 I moved to eNorwey, which had conquered my IRL homeland, Finland. Me and my fellow finns fought indepence to Finland, but with so many bugs in game (because of V1) I decided to quit.

After couple of month`s from my eDeath I noticed in forums that my old friend, Okkius Pyromanius, was joined the race for eFinland`s presidency. I decided to help my friend and I came back from the dark halls of eHell, where (as someone say) I belong.

Here`s some achievements from the time after my resurrection:

-Party president of Red Jihad (Finland`s anarchist party) x2
-Congressmember of eFinland x3
-Representative of Ambassador`s (eFinland`s government)
-Former President of eFinland

After my term as a president I decided to relax and be away from Finland`s politics. After this decicion I get the sign from our White Father, Tewio. Our Father told me to gather every tewionist I could find together and form a organizations of true believers – the White Lion order.

I told my vision to my friend, Tuukka_Almighty and together we formed WLO as it is known. After this Tewio gave me another vision – we should move away from Finland where we had been. The Great White One showed us eSingapore and after this we moved here and we have been part of this country. Now we have decided to share our knowledge and help to singaporeans and this is why we chose me as a representative to Singapores congress.

You can read more about our religion, tewionism, from my previous articles. White Lion Order wikipage is on it`s way.

Any plan`s for Singapore?

Yes. As a former president of Finland I have seen many things about the New Wrodl and i`m sure that I can offer something new for Singapore. I got experience and patience for the office of congressmember.

I`m new player in Singapore rather than old and even if I know much about Erepublik I don`t know everything about Singapore. I`m sure that I have learn many things about our economy and military funding before I can say that i`m experienced singaporean. Still my experience in politics will help me and the way to the top is bit easy to me.

What I would do in congress:

-I would pay attention to Singapores military. Our army is the most visible trademark on World and our allies and friends regonize them from the battle field. As a representative of White Lion Order I would try to closer our orders relationship with the army so that Singapore could use our strenght and experience alongside Singapores army. Maybe someday WLO`s military will be part of Singapores army.

-Community. Theres many active players in Singapore but theres only couple who use IRC and forums. If I get to the congress I would make some plans to get people more active at forums and IRC. In Finland there was a phrase: “Finland is a shit country, but there lives a fine people.” This means that even if there weren`t anything valuable in Finland it`s people stick together. That was possible because people was active in forums and in IRC. Singapore might be a little country but if we stick together we can make it a country with a fine and strong people which is honoured all over the eWorld.

Those things are mainly in my mind but I will focus on economy etc. too. I would try to build better Singapore with other congressmembers and act as a voice of White Lion Order in congress. I would use my knowlegde and experience for Singapore and I hope that I could help our country even if I wont get to congress.

Elections are soon here. Vote for me and I shall use my whole knowledge to build our country and give to it`s citizens better future.

Best regards;
