TEDEN and mastercard , what the figures tell us.

Day 1,546, 11:21 Published in Poland Turkey by Turkish Aviator Hero

Hello Poland!

First thanks for the citisenship I can now enjoy decent bonuses!

We always hear from ONE that TEDEN mostly wins because of gold buyers.TEDEN says the opposite as well.

But first why is a "tank" so important ?

Dealing 5 millions damages in one battle is something really important.Not that 5 millions itself is a lot compare to the every day eworld damages.It's the fact that one can put 5 millions in a few minutes.those guys win battles.That is a fact and I guess that no one is going to disagree with that.

Here are the charts now.

I looked up at the last 5 days top 15 "top fighters".

I then divide them into the two main alliances , TEDEN ( TERRA + EDEN ) and ONE.

No more talk now here are the charts.

So here at the facts , TEDEN depends more on gold buyers than ONE.

Is that bad ?

Actually not really it's better for the game.It makes me feel good each time I fight against TEDEN because I know a mastercard will probably cancel my fights and therefore make the game better.

Conclusion :

Fight for the game , fight for ONE!

P.S Please take a look at this article.