Spelling Is Not Always Important

Day 1,799, 02:07 Published in USA Canada by olivermellors


Recently Ajay told a serving marine that the real life armed forces had no honour. Your Army, Marines, Coast Guard, Navy... the Seals, Green Berets... the pilots, the artillerymen and the fella chowing down in barracks -- no honour. Imagine that. - olivermellors

oliver, I stand by my statement. Since the repeal of that VERY fair policy, it has been void of honor – RGR


Dear AFA

A little reluctant advice on building your party.

You do not benefit from association with a player who will say anything.

You are hurt by association with a man who will repeat something he said, just because he said it and can’t admit it was a mistake.

You will not be trusted if you trust a player who will say and repeat the most outrageous, dumb, debauched, depraved, unbelievable things. You will be branded as unthinking as he.

I know that in this game we don’t approach a high level of thinking. Many are attracted to unthinking, to raw emotion, to watching the drama. It is why the Jerry Springer show is popular. A kind of catharsis mixed with self congratulations: “see, I’m not THAT messed up, I’m okay”.

Here is the thing. Not many of the Springer brawlers get attractive job offers as corporate executives. Any company who hired such misfits would soon find themselves paying a high price: employee turnover, customers leaving in droves and a wrecked bottom line.

Honour is valuable no matter how you spell it and so is credibility.
