Spain: South Africa Needs Your Help!

Day 532, 20:03 Published in Spain South Africa by Oceanus
Political Takeover
Today South Africa lost the presidency to an Indonesian usurper. But tomorrow we will impeach him! But in the mean time, our very surivival will depend upon your help.

If Indonesia attacks South Africa there will be little time to act. The new president will be able to retreat our armies from every region, conquering SA without a fight. But because of the new rule the last region of a nation cannot be retreated from.
This is where you, our MPP holders come in. Before this final battle is over we will hopefully have impeached wizzie_don, the future false South African president, and our true candidate will be instated. We will need all of you to throw your weight into the battle for our last territory to ensure a South African victory. Afterwards, with MPPs blazing we will push back to regain our territories! I hope to see you all on the battlefield.
Do not allow South Africa to be whiped from the eWorld. Stand with us in our fight against the tyranny of Indonesia!

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OUR CANDIDATE WON BY TWO VOTES!!! Ignore this article : )
