Some People Want First Place. I Settle for 263rd...

Day 493, 20:28 Published in USA USA by Jon Malcom

I like everybody else wants to see their mark on the E-World Newspapers....
I rank around the high position of Two-Hundred and Sixty-Thir😛Voice of America by Jon Malcom with 18 subs...
The number one newspaper in America is: Consumer's Digest by Benn Dover with 1350 subs.
The lowest around 2758 rank is: The Podcast Times by Is This The Real Life with 0 subs.
The highest ranking paper in the world right now is: Legendarium by Quicksilver in Hungary with 2390 subs...
The lowest ranking paper in the world is: The Podcast Times at number 29166...

What rank is yours?
What do you write about?