Sol war games restart!

Day 679, 05:36 Published in Singapore Finland by Erius

After a short break Philipines are again ready to restart. Games will start today at 10.00 Eretime. Fight for wellness and for fun!

[Short guide] How i fight?

1) Go to battlefield and fight till your wellness is between 40-50. (If your wellness is just above 40, fight once and then go to hospital (step 2.))

2) Stop fighting! After your wellness is between 40-50 you should go to hospital (link to hospital can be found from the page where you fought).

3)Heal yourself so that your wellness is over 90 and wait till next Ereday when you can fight again without destroying your wellness.

Follow these steps and you wont destroy your wellness.

Have fun!

~Erius, Advisory Representative